Sensitivity, Specificity, and Predictive Value of a Text-APA- MUST SHOW WORK-REFERENCES- 3 PAGES

Please read below statement:IMPORTANT PLEASE READ FULL INSTRUCTIONS. NO PLAGIARISM! NO QUOTES, MUST PARAPHRASE. I WILL CHECK FOR RECYCLED WORK AND PLAGIARISM. THIS ASSIGNMENT IS DUE 01/31/22 AT 9PM PST. IF YOU CANT MEET THIS DEADLINE, DONT AGREE TO DO MY ASSIGNMENT. PRICE ISNT NEGOTIABLE.  PLEASE UNDERSTAND BY ACCEPTING TO DO MY WORK, I HAVE STRICT RULES. I DONT LIKE TO DISPUTE, BUT I WILL IF DIRECTIONS ARENT BEING FOLLOWED. IF I SEE SOMETHING WRONG AFTER PURCHASING, I WILL GIVE YOU A CHANCE TO FIX IT IMMEDIATELY. THIS DOESNT MEAN HOURS LATER. IF YOU TURN SOMETHING INTO ME EARLY, I EXPECT YOU TO FIX MY ASSIGNMENT IMMEDIATELY. DONT LIE TO ME, IF THESE RULES ARENT FOLLOWED, I WILL DISPUTE“Sensitivity and specificity are stable properties of screening tests and, as a result, are unaffected by the prevalence of a disease. Predictive value, however, is very much affected by the prevalence of the condition being screened. Many screening tests are validated upon groups that have a contrived prevalence of disease (e.g., approximately 50%). This prevalence would usually be higher than what is found in clinical practice” (Friis & Sellers, 2014, p. 478).Explain the paradox of declining mortality rates for a disease given constant case fatality rates. For a specific case, use Rabies.What is the relationship between reliability and validity? Is it possible for a measure to be reliable and invalid? Conversely, is it possible for a measure to be unreliable and valid? What measures of validity are used to evaluate screening tests? What are their formulas?Assume that the fasting blood level of a lipid is normally distributed in the population of people who do not have disease “X.” There is a smaller distribution curve of the fasting blood levels of this lipid, which also is normal in shape, for the population of persons who have disease “X,” and the curve overlaps the upper end (right side) of the curve for people without the disease. Draw distribution curves for the diseased and non-diseased populations and discuss the effects upon sensitivity and specificity of setting the cut point for disease and non-disease at various positions on the two overlapping curves.How does the predictive value of a screening test vary according to the prevalence of disease?A serologic test is being devised to detect a hypothetical chronic disease. Three hundred individuals were referred to a laboratory for testing. One hundred diagnosed cases were among the 300. A serologic test yielded 200 positives, of which one-fourth were true positives. Calculate the sensitivity, specificity, and predictive value of this test. (Hint: After setting up the appropriate 2 by 2 table, find missing data by subtraction. The numbers for the cells should then correspond to the numbers shown in Appendix 11., ., p. 734)The prevalence of undetected diabetes in a population to be screened is approximately 1.5%, and it is assumed that 10,000 persons will be screened. The screening test will measure blood serum glucose content. A value of 180 mg% or higher is considered positive. The sensitivity and specificity associated with this screening test are 22.9% and 99.8%, respectively.What is the predictive value of a positive test?What is the predictive value of a negative test?Show calculations for solving problems using an equation editor, a clear photo, or scan of legible pen or pencil calculations saved either saved as an image and inserted into your assignment document or attached as a .pdf file. If doing the later, your .pdf image should be descriptively named using the following format: lastnamefirstinitialWeek1AssignmentQuestion.pdf. For example, Janet Lane-Claypon would save her file as clayponjWeek6AssignmentQuestionA.pdf.

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