Response 1Data collection and analysis has become part of every day in health care. From collecting patient history, to medication administration, and even to determine staffing in a facility. There aremultiple benefits of data collection. One of the benefits is collection of data towards evidence-based practice (Sahu, 2021). “Big data facilitates the determination of the best practices and makes sure thatthey are used in the organization” (Sahu, 2021). This benefits nurses as well in the increased education in best practice as well as the use of resources (Sahu, 2021). With every benefit there is a challengeas well. One of the challenges of big data in nursing is the lack of proper data collection to show the contribution of daily nurse activity (Contributor, 2018). Nursing care is complex and does not follow alinear data collection model, therefor it is imperative to develop a more detailed data collecting system that will evaluate nursing tasks like psychological care (Contributor, 2018). In addition, nurses donot typically get feedback from their data collection and that leads to lack of understanding and involvement in developing better patient care (Contributor, 2018). One of the ways to improve thischallenge is educate nurses on the importance of involvement in data development, and analysis. Studies have shown that involving nurses in the development, testing, and implementing of systemscontributes to better understanding and participation in using that program or technology (Weckman & Janzen, 2009). 2APA referenceRespondo 2Healthcare organizations use big data for more knowledge, more significant insights, and innovative ideas, which they use to increase efficiency and quality, “resulting in better healthcare practices and improved patient outcomes” (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2017, p 478). One benefit of using big data is enhancing continuity in care. A clinical scenario is a 68-year-old patient who comes to the emergency department (ER) for shortness of breath (SOB). From the time this patient checks into the hospital until they are discharged, the vast amount of data generated from triage, laboratory testing, cardiac imaging, and other specialized tests makes for continuity in care. Every department and person who came in contact with this patient will have access to the data and proceed with their plan of care without having to reduplicate labs and imaging studies. This ability for continuity serves as efficiency in the delivery of care while also providing the patient with a cost-saving approach. Eliminating duplication in a clinical setting can simplify and revolutionize nursing workflow within EHRs (Glassman, 2017). Healthcare organizations generating millions of data need proper transmission channels, storage, processing, assimilation, and utilization.Generating and effectively using big data comes to benefit the organization to become more efficient in the delivery of care while increasing patient outcomes and positive experiences. However, there are some risks and challenges associated with its use. One risk of using big data is unplanned power outages during inclement weather conditions. The uninterrupted power supply strains the system’s resourcefulness and operability. Another challenge for organizations using big data is downtime or system upgrades. Downtime periods are operationally disruptive and pose risks to patients (Larsen et al., 2019).There are strategies that I have observed that will effectively alleviate challenges associated with big data. A backup generator has proven to be more efficient in managing unplanned power outages. The organization can plan for downtime or system upgrades when the hospital anticipates low census like the holiday season. The concept of backup data storage in the cloud also serves the purpose of easy accessibility, reliability, and easy retrieval should the institution’s primary system and data bank experience a crash or a compromise in the system. My current organization just faced the challenge of a compromised system, and immediately everything had to be taken down, and we do not have cloud storage for the backup data. The leadership is now discussing the options for cloud storage.. 2APA refrences
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