Secret diary

Please complete both parts:1.    Many composers kept diaries during their lives. Choose a composer from the twentieth (or twenty-first) century and an important event from that composer’s life. Consider how this event relates to the music the composer wrote. Write a diary entry related to that event in 1st person voice, as if the composer wrote it (Your choice shouldnotbe in the Jazz, pop, rock, rap, or other popular music genres.). Provide a link to a sound file or YouTube video of the composer’s music, to help classmates become more familiar with this individual’s work. In the subject line for your post, include the composer’s name.  List any websites or other sources you used to write your post at the bottom of the post.2.    What is your personal reaction/response to this composer and/or the music we have studied so far in class? How does learning about music apply to your life and/or past experiences?*In your peer replies, ask the “composer” questions as well as furthering the conversation. Be sure to check back and respond to those who ask questions of your composer.Goal: The goal of this forum is to explore the life and music of a specific composer from the 20th or 21st century.This forum addresses course objective #1, #2 and #3.InstructionsInitial posts must be 250+ words, using correct grammar and spellcheck, posted by Thursday 11:55 p.m. ET each week. Part of the requirement for asubstantive postis to bring something new to the conversation. Read the forum prompt and fully answer it, demonstrate understanding of the lesson/content, include evidence from firsthand experience, reference to the course materials, and apply what you’re discussing to work, life, and reality.

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