
*A minimium of 8 pages not to exceed 12 typed, double-spaced, times new roman font, using APA standard* Title page including title page of paper, your name, course name and course number, date of submission(page 1)*A minimum of 8 pages (pages 2-11)-Read United States v. Gerber and United States v. McClathey-Briefly (1 to 2 pages) summarize the facts of the cases*Answer the following:-How, if at all, can you distinguish Greber from other instances of payments for professional services? What if the percentage. Dr Greber paid had not exceeded Medicare guidelines?-Hospitals provide perks to physicians such as preferred parking, free meals, and discounted care for themselves and family. Comment on the legality of such practices. Where is the “line”? How much is too much? What is the intent of these practices?-Using online research,locate another case involving payment for referral and compare and contrast this third case with Greber and McClatchey.-What effect, if any do the health care reform laws of 2020 have on these issues?-Include in your paper a summary of your application of Paul Tillich’s theology regarding love,power and justice. Be sure to connect this with the theme of corporate compliance and maintaining ethical business relationships.-Include in your paper anything else you think to be relevant* A reference (page 12)*A minimum of 6 references are required, Holy Bible should not be listed on the reference page. Books, articles from academic sources(Not library), and other periodicals.

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