Final Paper Intervention Feedback- 1 page. 2 references – APA
Please read below statement:IMPORTANT PLEASE READ FULL INSTRUCTIONS. NO PLAGIARISM! NO QUOTES, MUST PARAPHRASE. I WILL CHECK FOR RECYCLED WORK AND PLAGIARISM. THIS ASSIGNMENT IS DUE 11/25/21 AT 9PM PST. IF YOU CANT MEET THIS DEADLINE, DONT AGREE TO DO MY ASSIGNMENT. PRICE ISNT NEGOTIABLE. PLEASE UNDERSTAND BY ACCEPTING TO DO MY WORK, I HAVE STRICT RULES. I DONT LIKE TO DISPUTE, BUT I WILL IF DIRECTIONS ARENT BEING FOLLOWED. IF I SEE SOMETHING WRONG AFTER PURCHASING, I WILL GIVE YOU A CHANCE TO FIX IT IMMEDIATELY. THIS DOESNT MEAN HOURS LATER. IF YOU TURN SOMETHING INTO ME EARLY, I EXPECT YOU TO FIX MY ASSIGNMENT IMMEDIATELY. DONT LIE TO ME, IF THESE RULES ARENT FOLLOWED, I WILL DISPUTEPost a draft intervention idea for this assignment on vaccinations, fear, lack of access in low income communitiespost should include the following:Describe the health disparity topic to be addressed.Identify the underlying behavior(s) you are trying to change.Describe the theoretical constructs that will be targeted.Discuss the types of activities, elements or components will constitute your intervention approach.
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