week 2 discussion 1 social work theory and clinical practice
Read this article listed in the Learning Resources: Turner, K., & Lehning, A. J. (2007). Psychological theories of poverty. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 16(1–2), 57–72. https://doi.org/10.1300/J137v16n01_05Select a theory under the individual-related theories and a theory under the structural/cultural-related theories.Complete the handout “Comparing Individual-Related and Structural/Cultural-Related Theories” to help you craft your response. (Note: You do not need to upload the handout to the Discussion forum. The handout is intended to assist you in writing your Discussion post.)By Day 3Post a response to the following:Describe how a social worker would conceptualize a presenting problem related to structural issues or barriers that contribute to a client’s marginalization using the two theories you selected.Explain how this conceptualization differs from an individual-related versus a structural/cultural-related theoretical lens.Compare how the two theoretical lenses differ in terms of how the social worker would approach the client and the problem and how the social worker would intervene.By Day 5Respond to at least two colleagues:Identify one strength and one limitation your colleague may encounter when employing an individual-related theory and a structural/cultural-related theory to formulating interventions for structural issues or barriers that contribute to a client’s marginalization.
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