Getta Byte Software Project / MGMT 404

I am interested in the Getta Byte Software Project from MGMT 404.The Course Project provides an opportunity for you to practice and apply specific project management skills learned in this course. The knowledge learned will help you to further your professional or personal goals. The title of your Course Project is the Getta Byte Software Project. The project is divided in two parts. Every week you are encouraged to complete a section of your Course Project. Part 1 is due in Week 4 and Part 2 is due in Week 8.Course Project Part 1Cover pageTable of contentsIntroductionSection A: The Project CharterSection B: The Stakeholder Engagement PlanSection C: The Communications Management PlanSection D: The Project Scope StatementSection E: WBS and the Project Schedule (must use MS Project)ReferencesCourse Project Part 2Cover pageTable of contentsIntroductionSection A: The Project CharterSection B: The Stakeholder Engagement PlanSection C: The Communications Management PlanSection D: The Project Scope StatementSection E: WBS and the Project Schedule (must use MS Project)Section F: Resource Allocation and Budget Reports (must use MS Project)Section G: Risk RegisterConclusionReferencesPart 1 is section A,B,C,D,ESection A: The Project CharterFor this section, you will watch the Getta Byte Software video located in the Week 1 Lesson. Populate all sections of this Project Charter Template with content related to the Getta Byte Project Charter and improve its content. There are sections in the template which are not covered in the video for which the student is still responsible to complete by elaborating and adding its missing content. Here is a list of the Project Charter Template sections.Mission or purposeProject and product descriptionObjectivesMilestonesBudgetUser acceptance criteriaHigh-Level assumptionsHigh-Level constraintsExclusions and boundariesMajor risksKey stakeholdersSection B: The Stakeholder Engagement PlanFor this section, you will watch the Getta Byte Software video located in the Week 2 Lesson and use the information in the video to complete the Stakeholder Engagement Plan Template for the Getta Byte project.Identify each stakeholder and include influence, interest, and support.Define the approach to each stakeholder or stakeholder group, communication method, and frequency.Section C: The Communications Management PlanIn this section, you will create a simple communications management plan for the execution of the Getta Byte project. Complete the Communications Management Plan Template using the information in the Week 2 Getta Byte Software video.Communication vehicleTarget audienceDescription or purposeFrequencySenderDistribution vehicleInternal or externalSection D: The Project Scope StatementPopulate all sections of this Scope Statement Template with content related to the Getta Byte project scope and improve its content. Watch the Getta Byte Project Scope video in the Week 3 Lesson and complete the missing sections by adding content. Here is a list of the Scope Statement Template sections.Project descriptionProject requirementsProject deliverablesProject does not include (exclusions)Acceptance criteriaEstimated project scheduleResource requirementsEstimated cost of projectProject constraintsProject assumptionsSection E: WBS and the Project Schedule (must use MS Project)InstructionsCreate the work breakdown structure (WBS) hierarchical chart for the Getta Byte project using the information learned in the Week 4 Getta Byte WBS and Schedule video. Remember that the WBS starts with the project name at the highest level. The lower levels have the work package required to complete those deliverables. Review the Canvas Week 4 Lesson, the Contemporary Project Management textbook, and the PMBOK®Guide for some suggestions on how to create a WBS hierarchical chart.Create the project schedule using Microsoft Project with the information provided in the Week 4 Getta Byte WBS and Schedule video. Complete the following steps.In the Task Name column enter the Project Name, Milestones, and Task Names. As you develop the task list, make sure to use verb-object task names (i.e., develop software).In the Duration column enter the duration only for the tasks. Be sure to use consistent unit such as hours or days for all tasks. The milestones and project duration will be automatically calculated by MS Project.In the Predecessor column enter the task dependencies that is the predecessor relationship. Do not enter dependencies nor assign resources for milestones or summary tasks.As you develop the task list, make sure to use verb-object task names (i.e., develop software). In an MS Project schedule, enter tasks, create the predecessor relationships in the predecessor column, but do not link summary tasks or assign resources (i.e., milestones do not have dependencies).Course Project Part 2 Section F,GThe Course Project Part 2 assignment is the integration of all the sections that you have covered in the previous weeks (Introduction and Sections A through E) plus Sections F, G, and the Conclusion. Part 2 should be completely integrated and presented in a logical order, written professionally and free of spelling and grammar errors, and updated with any changes that occurred along the way, including corrections and advice provided by your professor.Section F: Resource Allocation and Budget Reports (must use MS Project)To complete this section, you must continue working on your MS Project file and add the information in the Week 5 Getta Byte project video.Step 1: Allocate resources.Step 2: Review costs.Step 3: Analyze your resource allocation and assignments.Step 4: Print the Gantt chart.Step 5: Print resource allocation report.Step 6: Print the project budget report.Note: Microsoft Project is a project management information system (PMIS) designed to aid project managers in the development of schedules, assigning of resources, tracking progress, managing the budget, and analyzing workloads for projects. In this course, the Microsoft Project schedule is created in Section E and completed in Section F after adding the allocation and budgeting of resources.Section G: Risk RegisterUse the Risk Register Template spreadsheet to complete your assignment.Identify and analyze your project risks.Plan and implement risk responses.Monitor the project risks.InstructionsReview the Week 6 Getta Byte Software Risk Management video located in the Week 6 Lesson; the video provides examples of 3 negative risks.Apply the risk management process learned in the Week 6 reading assignments (i.e., Chapter 11 of the Contemporary Project Managementtextbook and Part 1 Section 11 of the PMBOK® Guide. to identify, assess, and plan risk responses for five positive and five negative risks other than the examples provided in the video using the Risk Register Template located in the Project Templates section below.For the risk identification process, be sure to assess the following process inputs: 1) Internal and external enterprise environmental factors and 2) the organizational process assets. Next, proceed to complete the following identification columns in the Risk Register Template.CategoryRisk NameRisk DescriptionRisk OwnerReason/Root CauseEffect/Impact on Project ObjectivesFor the assessment process complete the following columns.Probability of occurrenceImpact/CostImpact/TimeImpact/QualityRisk Score (i.e., probability times impact)For the Plan Risk Response process complete the following columns.Risk Response StrategyCostNote: The risks identified in the Week 6 Getta Byte project video are negative risk examples.ConclusionInstructionsDescribe how the student applied theoretical and technical knowledge of the project management discipline to manage the course project successfully.Conduct a short self evaluation on how successfully the project management concepts, techniques, and skills have been applied to the course project.

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