it ethcis case study
1) What’s going on?2) What are the facts? 3 ) What are the issues?4) Who is affected? 5) What are the ethical issues and implications? 6) What can be done about it? 7) What options are there?8)Which is the best Option and why? and two references in APA styleanswer this questionsProceed according to the following instructions.1. Identify a recent (within the last six (6) months) ethical dilemma or ethically questionable situation relating to ICT that you are familiar with. This situation can be either in the media (for example one you have sourced from a newspaper, or online through social media) or through your workplace.a. If using a workplace example, to maintain confidentiality, do not use real names.b. If you use a media article you must include the link to the media article in the references list of your assignment.2. Undertake further research about your chosen case to assist you in analysing and discussing it in your essay.3. You are required to analyse the ethical dilemma you have identified above using use the Doing Ethics Technique (DET). The word limit is 700 words ± 10%. Note: Headings, citations, references and any appendices do not count towards your word limit, but quotations do. At the start of the assignment indicate in brackets the word count of your assignment excluding those items mentioned above.4. Include a Reference list at the end of your work, in the correct APA referencing style, corresponding to in-text citations. You must include at least TWO (2) quality academic references from different sources. Please note that these references are in addition to those provided to you through this subject (for example, you still must reference, the DET, Tavani, the Interact subject lecture notes etc BUT these references cannot be used as one of your two quality references from different sources). Only include references that have been cited in the body of your assignment and ones that support what you have presented in your assignment.NOTE: Format your assignment according to the instructions given in the Assessment Information, Presentation study:Company X has just signed a business agreement with Company Y, which entitles both of them to access each other clients’ records. Faisal, a software programmer at Company Z, was assigned the task of developing a software program that handles the access and retrieval of records from each Company’s database system into the other. A first run of the software on real data indicated that the work was well within the state of the art, and no difficulties were found or anticipated.Several weeks later and during a normal test on the software developed, Faisal discovered a serious ‘security hole’ in the database system of Company Y by which hackers can easily obtain confidential information about clients. He was convinced that while the software he developed could correctly accomplish the task, the code in Company Y’s database system could not be trusted as the security hole posed a threat even on Company X’s database system. Faisal told his manager about the problem and explained its significance. The manager’s response was, “That’s not our problem; let’s just be sure that our software functions properly.” Faisal is not sure what to do. Refusing to work on the project means disobeying his manager’s orders. Continuing to work on the project, means disobeying one of God’s commands, which requires him to be truthful and sincere in his dealings. ACS Code of Professional Conduct values and relevant clauses of the Code of Professional Conduct 1.2.1 Public Interest b) raise with stakeholders any potential conflicts between your professional activity and legal or other accepted public requirements; c) advise your stakeholders as soon as possible of any conflicts of interest or conscientious objections that you have; e) endeavour to preserve the integrity, security, continuity and utility of ICT; g) endeavour to preserve the confidentiality and privacy of the information of others. 1.2.2 Quality of Life d) attempt to increase the feelings of personal satisfaction, competence, and control of those affected by your work. 1.2.3 Honesty b) not knowingly mislead a client or potential client as to the suitability of a product or service; 1.2.4 Competence e) advise your stakeholders when you believe a proposed project, product or service is not in their best interest; g) respect, and seek when necessary, the professional expertise of colleagues in their areas ofcase study2:Nirmal is the IT manager in a government department with more than 500 staff members and six branches across Australia. His department has decided to acquire an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system. An RFT for the procurement of the software was advertised in a number of Australian newspapers. Two local companies responded to the advertisement and sent their offers to the department. When Nirmal opened the envelopes and examined the offers he found that company A’s offer is slightly better than company B’s offer. To his surprise, company B’s offer was made by his best friend Devraj, who is the general manager of company B. Company A’s software appeared to be easier to use and easier to modify compared to company B’s software. Although the initial cost of company B’ software appeared to be less than that of company’s A, the former may require some ‘tools-consultants’ to modify it and some ‘business-consultants’ to assist in running it, which might eventually raise the total cost. To complicate matters more, Nirmal received a phone call from Devraj, who urged him to favour his offer, as he is quite desperate to get this deal. He also reminded him that the ‘tools and business consultants’ who might be needed in the project will be recruited from his home country which means more jobs for his countrymen and in turn more money sent home. Nirmal is indeed in a difficult position. ACS Code of Professional Conduct values and relevant clauses of the Code of Professional Conduct 1.2.1 Public Interest b) raise with stakeholders any potential conflicts between your professional activity and legal or other accepted public requirements; 1.2.3 Honesty b) not knowingly mislead a client or potential client as to the suitability of a product or service; c) distinguish between your professional and personal opinions and advice; 1.2.4 Competence a) endeavour to provide products and services which match the operational and financial needs of your stakeholders; g) respect, and seek when necessary, the professional expertise of colleagues in their areas of competence. 1.2.6 Professionalism a) take a calm, objective, informed and knowledgeable stance on your professional work, complementing your enthusiasm and engagement in it; b) take appropriate action against members who engage in behaviour contrary to this Code; e) neither require, nor attempt to influence, any person to take any action which would involve a breach of this Code; f) refrain from any conduct or action in your professional role which may tarnish the image of the profession or detract from the good name of the ACS;644444
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