week 5 – assignment a & b; week 6 – assignment a & b
Hello, everyone. Listed below are the things I need help with. Reac carefully before accepting bid.Week 5 a:Code Creation, Troubleshooting, and Validation TestsPrior to beginning work on this interactive assignment, read Chapter 9 of the textbook, and review any relevant information in this week’s lecture. Applying the concepts from the required reading, you will complete this interactive assignment in the virtual lab environment.Review the instructions for the Final Assignment in Week Six. Assess basic Java programming concepts and methods required to write the code for the container (i.e., the graphical user interface (GUI) the user will see when working with your program). The code you create for this interactive assignment will allow for user validation and access only.Create code within the container that searches the array you created in Week Two. This query must compare the UserID and Password against the information in the array in order to allow user access. Troubleshoot the code and fix any design flaws to ensure the validation portion of the program runs smoothly.Your design can include JButtons and JLabels; however, functionality need not go beyond accessing the program. You will be completing these additional portions of the design in your Week Six assignment.Within the virtual lab environment create a PDF with the following two screenshots:The GUI with the request for User ID and Password.The GUI after successful user validation completion.Download the PDF to your computer and attach the PDF to your initial post. In your initial post explain any problems or difficulties you had in creating the program and what you did to resolve any issues. Describe what you learned from having gone through the creation process. Explain any portion of the design that you liked and/or any aspects on which you would like specific feedback. Your response should be a minimum of 300 words.Week 5 B:Passing Information to a Method or a ConstructorPrior to beginning work on this assignment read Chapter 5 in the textbook, read the online Returning a Value From a Method (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. article, and review any relevant information in this week’s lecture.Begin by accessing your Java platform within your virtual lab environment. For this assignment you will be revising your Score and Letter Grade Program from Week Four. Include the following elements in your program.Rewrite the Week Four program to include the following five methods:getUserInputgetAverageScoregetLtrGradegetLtrListdisplayClassReportTwo important things to remember about returning values:The type of data returned by a method must be compatible with the return type specified by the method. For example, if the return type of some method is boolean, you could not return an integer.The variable receiving the value returned by a method must also be compatible with the return type specified for the method.Week 6 A:Programming Best PracticesPrior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapter 8 in the textbook, and review any relevant information in this week’s lecture.Programming best practices are a matter of opinion and are usually based on experience. Research a minimum of two sources on programming best practices. This type of information may be found in professional BLOGs and websites. (Access the MISM Credible Resource Guide (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for assistance with finding appropriate credible professional resources.) Evaluate the practices you researched and discuss three examples of programming best practices.Provide either snippets of code or a scenario that help(s) to explain the differences between the expected results of good and bad programming practices. Provide a rationale for your statements using evidence from your sources. Identify one best practice that either helped you in your assignments for the course, or would have helped you had you known about it. Your initial post should be a minimum of 300 words.Week 6 B:Java ProjectFor this assignment, you will show the output of the basic business application using Java that you have created to solve Ashford University’s challenge regarding their hourly employee pay.Over the previous five weeks, you have assessed basic programming methods, and created and tested various elements of this program within the virtual lab environment. The programming concepts you have learned and practiced in this class provide a program solution for the scenario below which was introduced in Week Two.Ashford University needs a GUI (Graphical User Interface) to calculate hourly employee pay, federal taxes, Medicare, and Federal Insurance Contribution Act (FICA). Current policy states that employees will be paid time and a half for any hours over 40 that they work in a single week. For example, if an employee works 45 hours, they get 5 hours of overtime, at 1.5 times their base pay. The state’s minimum wage requires that hourly employees be paid at least $8.00 an hour. Ashford University requires that an employee works no more than 60 hours in a single week.The program you present in the virtual lab space will include a modified version of the GUI you designed in Week Two, the array you created in Week Two, and the code you tested in Week Five.The required output for the program will consist of the following:NameHours workedPay rateGross and Net payItemization of deductions including Federal taxes, Medicare and FICAOnce your Java program is complete, create a document including the required title page for the Java Project Output assignment as outlined by the Ashford Writing Center and copy and paste your source code as plain text including any required tables into the document. Submit your document via Waypoint for grading.The Java Project Output documentMust include the final source code for your program in plain text.Must include a separate title page with the following:Title of paperStudent’s nameCourse name and numberInstructor’s nameDate submitted
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