lab 5 and 7

NETW250 Week 5 iLab: VoIP Traffic EngineeringYour Name:Professor’s Name:Date:Task 1—Calculate the VoIP traffic load in access trunks to the Internet.Q1.  What is the number of call-attempts during the busy hour at the company’s location?Q2.  What is the traffic load in Erlangs during the busy hour?  Show calculation and units.Q3.  What in the dimension of traffic measurement unit Erlang?Task 2—Calculate the number of SIP trunks and access link bandwidth required for VoIP calls to the Internet.Q4.  What is the difference between a completed call and a call attempt?Q5.  What is the number of SIP trunks (lines from the online calculator) required to meet company’s need?Q6.  What access bandwidth (Kbps from the online calculator) is required to connect the company’s location to the Internet?Q7.  If T1 bandwidth is 1.544 Mbps, T3 bandwidth is 44.736 Mbps, and there are 28 T1 in a T3, what access connection(s) does the company need to lease in terms of T1 and/or T3?  Show the calculation.Q8.  Enter a screenshot below showing the results from the Erlang-to-VoIP bandwidth calculator.Task 3—Calculate the number of backup access channels to the PSTN.Q9.  How many analog lines does the company need to subscribe from a TSP? Include a screenshot below that shows the calculator results.Q10.  Assume that each analog line can carry 1 Erlang of voice traffic. What is the utilization of the PSTN trunks if an Internet failure occurs during busy hour?  Show the calculation.NETW250 Week 7 iLab: Unified Communications Server Elastix: A Two-Server ScenarioYour Name:Professor’s Name:Date:Exercise 1—Testing phone calls between extensions before the interexchange trunk configurationTask 1—Take four screenshots to show the results of call testing as demonstrated in Figure 4.Exercise 2—Configuring interexchange trunks and routes on two Elastix serversTask 2—Take a screenshot of the configuration page showing that trunk ELASTIX2 is created on ELASTIX_SRV1 as demonstrated in Figure 15.Task 3—Take two screenshots showing the configuration parameters of newly created trunk ELASTIX2. The screenshots should show the same information included in Figure 11 and Figure 12.Task 4—Take a screenshot showing that route Elastix2Exts is added to the ELASTIX_SRV1 server as demonstrated in Figure 18.Task 5—Take a screenshot showing the configuration parameters of route Elastix2Exts on server ELASTIX_SRV1 as demonstrated in Figure 17.Task 6—Take a screenshot of the configuraion page showing that trunk ELASTIX1(iax) is created on ELASTIX_SRV2 as demontrated in Figure 19.Task 7—Take two screenshots showing the configuration parameters of newly created trunk ELASTIX1 on server ELASTIX_SRV1. The screenshots should show the same information included in Figure 20 and Figure 21.Task 8—Take a screenshot showing that route Elastix1Exts is added to the ELASTIX_SRV2 server as demonstrated in Figure 22.Task 9—Take a screenshot showing the configuration parameters of route Elastix1Exts on server ELASTIX_SRV2 as demonstrated in Figure 23.Task 10—Question: Compare and contrast SIP and IAX trunks, including typical applications where they are used and standards they based on. Cite references and sources used in this research.Exercise 3—Testing phone calls between interexchange extensions after the trunk configurationTask 11—Take a screenshot of softphones 101 and 204 showing the call is coming through as demonstrated in Figure 24.Task 12—Take a screenshot of softphones 102 and 203 showing the call is coming through as demonstrated in Figure 25.

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