Week1. Discovering Yourself and Academic Readiness. 7 daysWeek1Discovering Yourself and Academic Readiness7 days / 19 pointsTasksClassroom NavigationObjectives/Competencies1.1Identify personal learning styles.1.2Define academic readiness.1.3Identify the factors that influence academic success.1.4Identify university resources for success.1.5Explain the importance of responsible borrowingLearning ActivitiesRequiredReadingBecoming a Master Student, IntroductionReadingBecoming a Master Student, Ch. 1ReadingBecoming a Master Student, Ch. 2ReadingBecoming a Master Student, Ch. 10ReadingBecoming a Master Student, Ch. 11ReadingWelcome from the Dean of Humanities and SciencesInteractive/TutorialGoal Setting and Time ManagementReadingPhoenix Prep CenterWebsiteAplia HomeworkRecommendedWebsiteMindTap online textbook resourcesAssignmentsAssignments will be provided by your faculty and displayed here when class starts.FRIENDLY NAMETITLEDUE DATEPOINTSWeek2. Academic Communication. 7 daysWeek2Academic Communication7 days / 24 pointsObjectives/Competencies2.1Identify key elements of the writing process.2.2Develop a thesis statement.2.3Explain academic integrity.Learning ActivitiesRequiredReadingBecoming a Master Student, Ch. 8VideoThe Writing ProcessInteractive/TutorialOverview of CWEExplorationCenter for Writing ExcellenceERRWeek Two Electronic Reserve ReadingsAssignmentsAssignments will be provided by your faculty and displayed here when class starts.FRIENDLY NAMETITLEDUE DATEPOINTSWeek3. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving. 7 daysWeek3Critical Thinking and Problem Solving7 days / 19 pointsTasksContinuing Academic Success OutlineObjectives/Competencies3.1Describe the critical thinking process.3.2Identify the relationship between personal bias and decision making.3.3Apply effective reading strategies.Learning ActivitiesRequiredReadingBecoming a Master Student, Ch. 1ReadingBecoming a Master Student, Ch. 4ReadingBecoming a Master Student, Ch. 7Interactive/TutorialCritical ThinkingWebsiteEthical Lens InventoryERRWeek Three Electronic Reserve ReadingsAssignmentsAssignments will be provided by your faculty and displayed here when class starts.FRIENDLY NAMETITLEDUE DATEPOINTSWeek4. Information Utilization. 7 daysWeek4Information Utilization7 days / 14 pointsTasksContinuing Academic Success OutlineObjectives/Competencies4.1Perform research in the University Library.4.2Explain how to determine credibility and bias when using supporting sources.4.3Demonstrate summarizing, paraphrasing, and quoting information from various sources.Learning ActivitiesRequiredReadingCenter for Writing ExcellenceInteractive/TutorialUniversity LibraryReadingCitations and ReferencesInteractive/TutorialPlagiarism ReviewWebsiteEthics ExercisesReadingWeek Four VideosAssignmentsAssignments will be provided by your faculty and displayed here when class starts.FRIENDLY NAMETITLEDUE DATEPOINTSWeek5. Professional Competence and the Road Ahead. 7 daysWeek5Professional Competence and the Road Ahead7 days / 24 pointsTasksContinuing Academic Success Rough DraftObjectives/Competencies5.1Identify personal career interests and discover job market opportunities.5.2Develop a plan to use course topics and materials for future success.Learning ActivitiesRequiredReadingBecoming a Master Student, Ch. 12VideoUniversity Learning GoalsReadingCareersAssignmentsAssignments will be provided by your faculty and displayed here when class starts.
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