Information Gathering

This week we talked about dumpster diving and explored the risks of improperly disposing of sensitive information.  Use the tools and techniques from your readings this week to complete the following tasks:Part A:Using common open source information gathering techniques, compile a “dossier” of readily available information about yourself.  Consider “dumpster diving” your own trash, use Google and any other public information source to compile as much information on yourself as possible.  Describe what information you found and what sources you used.  Do not provide personally identifiable information (PII) but do be specific with the resources you used to compile your dossier.  You may compile the dossier on a famous person instead of yourself if you so choose.Part B:Write a policy that determines where sensitive information may exist within your organization and how it should be disposed of securely.  Be sure to evaluate each of the sources identified in your reading and from Part A of this assignment.

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