Training Intervention Virtual Roundtable Presentation
Cultural Autobiography Case Study and Training Intervention Virtual Roundtable Presentation: Students will develop a case study based on a time in their life where they experienced a microaggression(s) which he or she believe impacted their academic, career and/or social-emotional development. The purpose of this assignment is to engage in understanding yourself as a counselor and cultural being. This is your story, therefore, may tell it as you see it. The Cultural Autobiography Case Study and Training Intervention will consist of:Submitting the Training Intervention Presentation in bothPadletand Blackboard for the cross-racial/religious audience that exacted the microaggression(s) by integrating counseling ethical codes and American Counseling Association Multicultural Counseling Competencies into the training.Students will go to Padlet to review their peers presentations and bring a question to the synchronous session on Blackboard Collaborate Meeting #6.Students may use other technology (i.e. Powerpoint, Prezi, personal video, YouTube video clips, websites, resources, etc.) as well as create and demonstrate an aspect of their professional development intervention and/or workshop. Students presentations minimum and maximum number of slides range from 7 – 10 slides; using a 24+ point font. Video clips embedded within presentations must be between 2 – 5 minutes in duration.The APA 6th edition publication style must be used for citations of any research and/or resource presented in the slides – citations posted within slides must be present on the reference list. The presentation should include the following:One slide must consist of your Cultural Autobiographical case study, inclusive of:Personal demographics (Dimensions of Personal Identity) at the time of the microaggression(s) experienced.Identified microaggression(s)Type of microaggression(s) he or she believes was experienced (microassaults, microinsults and/or microinvalidations) and;Perceived impact on academic, career and/or social-emotional development that students believe was affected.Cite pertinent research finding(s) from the annotated bibliography to support your case study and training intervention.Discuss the training intervention’s goal and objectives, three counseling ethical codes, training outcomes, and type of counseling Intervention(s) (individual, group and/or group guidance/psychoeducational).Demonstrate an aspect of the training intervention training to the cultural autobiographical case study inclusive of how multicultural counseling competencies.Explain how your professional development implementation and evaluation can enhance cultural competence of yourself and the person(s) who exacted the microaggression(s).
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