prison privatization

Please use the APA 7th edition template attached above to format your article critique template.  Review additional support content in the announcements.  This will help you understand “how to critique” and the type of information that should be found in each section of your critique.For each article critique, you will select 2 peer-reviewed articles no older than 5-10 years. Using concepts presented in the weekly reading and study, you will write a paper critique that is at least 4 pages but no more than 7 pages of these articles in current APA format.Article Critique 3Locate 2 peer-reviewed articles no older than 5-10 years that discuss prison privatization. One article must present arguments advocating for American prison privatization and the second article must present arguments against American prison privatization. Provide a critique of each author’s position on the privatization of prisons. from a Christian worldview, critique the current state of private prisons and present a clear argument on how to fix the system.**follow the template thats attachand use the peer reviewed articles that is attached

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