expertise development

Expertise can be considered the ability to recognize things more precisely or more quickly than others. There is a theory popularized by Malcolm Gladwell that such expertise requires 10,000 hours of experience. Others have argued against this position. We are all experts at recognizing something. Maybe it is a type of tree or bird calls or breeds of dogs. Maybe it is the faces of family and loved ones. In this two-part discussion, you will first discuss how your visual system perceives an object that is familiar to you and how you recognize that object. Then, you will take a position on the idea that 10,000 hours of practice are required to become an expert at recognition.A 2-paragraph summary that describes how you recognize something with which you are familiar. Describe the object without saying what it is and how these individual components are reassembled into the whole. Then, based on the readings this week, explain in your own words how sensory systems identify the individual components of the object. Finally, reveal the object.In addition, post a paragraph explaining your position on the validity of the 10,000 hours theory. Cite the Learning Resources and include any experiences related to your expertise.

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