Assignment 4
You have been given the opportunity to examine the resilience theory as well as explore different crises and see how individuals, families, and groups experience resilience when faced with these different situations. In this Assignment, you will analyze how constructs of the resilience theory are used to promote resilience in specific crisis situations.Please respond to the following:Analyze resilience theory by explaining salient points of this theoretical construct.Using the different crises from your textbook (Chapters 10-14), choose one crisis and identify potential risk factors that could impede upon a family’s ability to be resilient if faced with this particular crisis.Using the same crisis from above, discuss strategies a human services professional could use for this particular crisis that would promote resilience within the family, individual, or group.In this final part, you need to analyze how the strategies used to promote resiliency are reflective of at least one construct of the resilience theory. (Example: pacing reorganization of a family after the death of a loved one is reflective of the process-oriented perspective (interaction of individual with environment) of the resilience theory)
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