3-1 Discussion: Netflix Organizational Culture

For your final project you are helping prepare Sharon Slade, the chief human resources officer of Netflix, for a serious performance discussion with Alice Jones, who may be at risk of being terminated. One key component of your preparation is evaluating the organizational culture at Netflix and assisting Sharon Slade in demonstrating the skills that will help get the negotiation process off to a good start. She can accomplish this by taking into account the hygiene factors and intrinsic motivators as discussed in the Herzberg video clips (located in the Module Three Readings and Resources folder).One description of the espoused Netflix organizational culture is stated in Slide 6 of the slide deck Netflix Culture: Freedom and Responsibility that you viewed in Module One. Slide 6 states: “The actual company values, as opposed to the nice-sounding values, are shown by who gets rewarded, promoted, or let go.”For this discussion post, craft a response which addresses the following question:Consider the seven aspects of the Netflix culture, which are listed below:Values are what we value [Judgment, Communication, Impact, Curiosity, Innovation, Courage, Passion, Honesty, & Selflessness]High PerformanceFreedom & ResponsibilityContext, not ControlHighly Aligned, Loosely CoupledPay Top of MarketPromotions & DevelopmentIndicate whether or not you agree with the seven values, explaining why or why not. Add two intrinsic values that you believe would improve the organizational culture at Netflix. Provide reasons that justify your choice.

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