Need help with my essay (NEED TO BE DONE IN 8 HOURS)
Need help finishing the rest of my essay. It also needs to be all corrected. Fix up grammar, spelling, punctuation and make sure sentences flow and make sense. If some information is repeated or irrelevant it can be delete.Topic sentences are highlighted in yellow but if it doesn’t fit properly with the paragraph, it can be changed to a better topic sentence.I need at least one more paragraph and conclusion added so I’ve attached some journal articles I’ve used throughout the essay. However, if you find better Peer reviewed journal articles (between 2009-2018) they can be used, they just need to be referenced.Harvard style is used and I’ve attached a guide.The introduction and two other paragraphs need to be edited.I need at least 6 journal articles used (which I pretty much have, they just need to be used) and one text book reference. I have added a text book reference so you don’t need to worry about that. However more articles can be added.Plagiarism check needs to be very low and well under 10%. The whole essay needs to be paraphrased and in your own words. NO direct quotes.Word limit has to be 1500 words.I attached a rubric as a guide and the essay format. I Would like to get between distinction or high distinction.
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