Family Assessment 30 page nursing final project due 8/9/2020

Family Assessment:Purpose: Holistically assessing a family and the individual family members in relation to family structure, developmental stages, and family relationships helps the student to understand how each individual affects the family as a whole and how the family affects each individual. The student will also gain an insight into how important a family’s health is to the health of its individual members.Assignment:Contact a family and perform a family assessment. This can be completed in-person, or via virtual or phone interview. Below are areas that must be included. This paper is to be written in APA format with a title page, introductory and conclusion paragraphs, paragraph headings and sub-headings, proper formatting, proper in-text citations and a separate reference page. The Functional Health Patterns sections can be written in paragraph form or bullet points. In the end, your final paper should be at least 30 pages.You need to have at least4 resourcescited in your paper/care plans and referenced in the reference page. 1 can be your text book, 1 can be a care plan book, the other 2 must beEvidence Based Practice articles related to the work you did with the family.ALL sections MUST have subheading and clearly responds to the question!Each section should be at least 2 pages.section 1 FAMILY PROFILE (20)· This needs to include the following:· And introduction / introducing the family and the importance of a nursing family assessment.· Agenogramneeds to be used to illustrate the following information: age, sex, and current health status of each family member. The genogram should include every member of the household and any living outside the household who is included in the assessment.· Description of family stage (Duvall’s) and individual members’ current developmentalstages/tasks(Erickson’s at the least)· Family type? (i.e., nuclear, extended…..) and why you chose this typeSection 2 – FAMILY AND NURSING THEORIES (10)This needs to include the following:· Using the nursing theories or family theories described in your book choose one theory that best fits this family.· Describe the theory chosen. Example the family systems theory· Apply this theory to the family you assess and describe how this family fits into the concepts and ideas presented by this theory.Section 3 –Gordon’s Functional Health PatternsAs it applies to the familySection 4– HEALTH PERCEPTION–HEALTH MANAGEMENT PATTERN (5)Subjective Data• Describe your family’s general health during the past few years.• Has your family been able to participate in its usual activities (work, school, sports)?• Describe what your family does to try to stay healthy (diet, exercise, etc).• From whom does your family seek health care? When?• Describe how your family members check their health status (ex. eye exams, dental exams, breast exams, testicular exams, medical checkups).• Describe any behaviors in your family that are considered unhealthy.• Who cares for family members who are or who become ill?• How would you know if a family member were ill?· Description of beliefs about health and illness including complementary, alternative, and culturally-based values.· Environmental assessment for safety in the home relevant for the age and characteristics of family membersSection 5 NUTRITIONAL–METABOLIC PATTERN (5)Subjective Data• Describe typical breakfast, lunch, supper, and snacks that you eat as a family.• What type of drinks do you usually have during the day and at night?• How would you describe your family’s appetite in general?• How often does your family seek dental care? Are there any dental problems in your family?• Does anyone in your family have skin rashes or problems with sores healing? Explain.• Who usually prepares the family meals? Who shops for groceries?Section 6— ELIMINATION PATTERN (5)Subjective Data• How often do family members have bowel movements? Urinate?• Are laxatives used in your family? Explain.• Are there problems with disposing of waste or garbage?• Describe any recycling you do.• Does your family have pets (indoor or outdoor)? How are their wastes disposed?• Do you have problems with insects in your home? Explain.Section 7— ACTIVITY–EXERCISE PATTERN (5)Subjective Data• Describe how your family exercises. Frequency?• How does your family relax?• What does your family do for enjoyment?• Describe a typical day of activities in your family (work, school, play, games, meals, hobbies, house cleaning, yard work, cooking, and exercise).Section 8—- SLEEP–REST PATTERN (5)Subjective Data• When does your family generally go to bed and awaken? Do family members go to bed and arise at different times? Explain.• Does your family seem to get enough time to sleep? To rest and relax?• Do any family members work at night? How does this affect other family members?Section 9—-SENSORY-PERCEPTUAL PATTERN (5)Subjective Data• Are there any hearing or visual problems that affect your family members?• Are there any deficits in a family member’s ability to taste and smell that affect how food is prepared for the family?• Does pain seem to be a family problem? Explain. How is this managed?• What is the usual form of pain relief used by family members?Section 10— COGNITIVE PATTERN (5)Subjective Data• Who makes the major family decisions? How?• Describe the highest educational level of all family members.• Does your family understand any illnesses and treatments that affect any of your family members?• How does your family enjoy learning (ex. reading, watching television, attending classes)?• Are there any problems with memory in the family? Explain.Section 11– SELF-PERCEPTION–SELF-CONCEPT PATTERN (5)Subjective Data• Describe the general mood of your family (ex. sad, happy, eager, depressed, anxious, and relaxed).• Do you consider yourselves to be a close family? How do you spend time together? Is this time satisfying?• Do family members share any common goals? Explain.• What does the family enjoy doing most together?• How does your family deal with disagreements?• How do your family members express their affection, feelings, and/or concerns? Are they allowed to do so freely? Explain.• Does your family seem to discuss problems that affect individual members?• How does your family deal with change?Section 12— ROLE–RELATIONSHIP PATTERN (5)Subjective Data• Describe how your family members support each other, show affection, and express concerns.• Describe any problems with relationships between family members.• Describe your family resources (financial, community support systems, family support systems).• How active is your family in your neighborhood and/or community?• Explain family responsibilities for various household chores (washing, cooking, driving, lawn maintenance, etc).• Explain how discipline is used in your family. How are family members rewarded? Describe any aggression and/or violence that occurs in your family.Section 13— SEXUALITY–REPRODUCTIVE PATTERN (5)(Please do not skip this section. As a nurse you will have to ask uncomfortable or private questions at times.)Subjective DataIf appropriate: Are sexual partners within home satisfied with sexual relationship and activities? Describe any problems.• Are contraceptives used?• Is family planning used? How?• Are parents comfortable answering questions and explaining topics related to sexuality to their children?Section 14— COPING–STRESS TOLERANCE PATTERN (5)Subjective Data• What major changes have occurred in your family during the past year (eg. divorce, marriage, family members leaving home, new members coming into home, death, illness, births, accidents, change in finances and/or occupation)?• How does your family cope with major stressors (ex. exercise, discussion, prayer, drugs, alcohol, violence)?• Who in the family copes best with stressors?• Who has the most difficult time coping with stress?• What are the family’s strengths/weaknesses?• What are the family resources/social supports?• How does the family perceive their ability to problem solve and cope?• Who outside the family (ex. friends, church, support groups) seems to help your family most during difficult times?Section 15— VALUE–BELIEF PATTERN (5)Subjective Data• What does your family consider to be most important in life?• What does your family want from life?• What rules does your family hold most important?• Is religion important in the family? What religion are family members? What religious practices are important to the family? Is a relationship with God important to the family?• What does your family look forward to in the future?• From where do the family’s hope and strength come?Section 17— Issues and Problems (20)With identified issues and problems, describe your process to develop, implement, and evaluate interdisciplinary care management plans using NANDA diagnosis, intervention and outcome measures. This includes the following criteria:· 1-Describe the issues and problems you see this family facing based on your assessment information. Discuss why you think these are issues for the family, including the assessment data that brought you to this conclusion•2-Provide descriptions about how you educated and/or facilitated health-related behavior changes while incorporating family’s perceived needs and interests.• 3-Describe how you collaborated with the family in addressing complex situations and challenges. How did you all work together to come up solutions?• 4-Describe how you coordinated referrals as well as how you ensured effective communication among services/agencies involved in providing services to family. You must provide at least 1 referral.• 5-Periodically evaluate effectiveness of your referrals, interventions, and education. Call the family a week or more after initial assessment to see if they have made any changes.Section 16— Plan of Care (20)• Developtwofamily care plans using template based on identified issues and problems. A minimum of3interventions with evidenced-based rationales is required for each. Also, a short and long term goal are required for each care plan.PLEASE use the template provided.Section 17—- Final Synthesis (10)Must include the following criteria:1. A summary of your identified family themes, problems/issues, teaching, interventions and evaluations. Discuss your evaluation of the interventions from your care plans- Did the family do them? How have they changed? Was it positive of negative? If they didn’t follow your interventions or they had negative outcomes, explain why.2. A summary about how your therapeutic relationship progressed with the family.3. Your reflection on the meaning of this experience and this process of learning and describe what you learned.APA Format, Grammar, and References (10)· 10 points for proper APA format of paper, citations, and references· Proper grammar is used throughout· Correct amount of references citedTotal points: 150Rubric for Family Assessment   AssignmentPoints 120CriteriaPoints ReceivedFamily Profile(20 points)All     required narrative information present.Genogram     includes all required information20     pointsMissing     information about developmental stages, tasks and family type.Genogram     contains only half of the required information10     pointsNo     information about stages, tasks, type included.No     Genogram is included0     pointsTheories(10 points)Theory     described in detail and relates to family10     pointsTheory     described fairly and minimally relates to family5     pointsNo     theory described0     pointsGordon’s Family Functional Health Patterns(5 Points each)Subjective     ()Health     Perception – Health Management PatternsNutritional/MetabolicEliminationActivity/ExerciseSleep/RestSensory/PerceptualCognitiveSelf-Perception/Self-ConceptRole/RelationshipSexuality/ReproductiveCoping/Stress     ToleranceValue/BeliefIssues and Problems(20 points)20     points-Includes all 5 criteria15     points- Includes 3-4 of the criteria10 points- includes 2 of the criteria5 points- includes 1 of the criteriaIncludes     0 criteria0 pointsPlan of Care(20 points)Includes     two family care plans using the template and based on identified issues     with proper NANDA nursing diagnoses20 pointsIncludes     one family care plans using the template or the care plans are not based on     identified issues or nursing care plans not properly written or NANDA10     pointsDoes     not include a care plan0     pointsFinal Synthesis(10 points)Includes     all 3 criteria10 pointsIncludes     only 2 of the criteria5     pointsDoes     not include any of the criteria0     pointsAPA and Grammar(10 Points)1     point for each APA or grammar mistake, up to 10 points totalTotal:Possible Total 150

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