Peer’s response
Have you met with the decision-makers at the practicum site to determine the type of problem they are having and ways in which your project might be developed to address this problem? What was the outcome of this meeting?I had a meeting with the program director of Richard hall community mental health center, where I will have my practicum in January. He identified two pressing issues: drop in attendance and how to deal with “no show, no call.” He reports that the current appointment time is suffering, and he would like to know how to reduce the number of “NO SHOW NO CALL” appointments. Another problem identified is the number of patients with psychotropic medication that have diabetes. The director would like to know if it is drug-related?He blames the current turbulence in health care due to corvid 19 and delta virus for the drop in the scheduled appointment. He eluded that the patients being scared has escalated since the delta virus. He reports that initially seeing patients via telehealth is okay, and the center made it all right. However, the telehealth zoom was replaced by EHealth in June 2021 in compliance with the state regulation forbidding contact via phone for medication, counseling, and group management.The meet went well. He promised to investigate the area where the agency needed to be addressed, and he promised to get back to me in two weeks.Please share your proposed PICOT question in question format. Is this PICOT question likely to change in the future?In African American adults, males older than 40 living in the rural areas with HA1c greater than 7, will Carb Manager App 5 days a week compared to Swimming five times a week reduce HA1c in 8 weeks?Yes, the PICOT question might change based on what I observe from my practicum site and their needs.Describe the translation science model you will be using or are considering using as a part of your project.Given the multiple translational science model, selecting a translational model that suits one research can be challenging. However, Strifier et al. (2020) highlighted that choosing an appropriate translational model depends on the model’s usability, validity, applicability, and acceptability. The model I plan to use for my project is the IOWA Model.The Iowa Model is A framework used in implementing evidence-based practice (EBP). There are many reasons why I choose to use the IOWA Model, such as the IOWA model has a clear and concise language that is easy to follow and understand. It has been in existence for a while and has been used in multiple evidence-based translational projects.Iowa Model Collaborative et al. (2017) also cited the Iowa model as an evidence-based tool that can be used in different settings.Additionally, the IOWA model has a strong strength of evidence. It is user-friendly and easy to access and practice. Further, the Iowa model will help me answer the key research questions relevant to my research project, such as the purpose of the research. The Iowa model will also help me identify the implementation stages and what to expect at each research stage.What is the current priority you have for the development of your project and do you believe you have support for this project from the practicum site decision-makers?My Current problem is identifying or developing an evidence-based project that will be allied with the need of the outpatient clinic where my practicum will take place. Currently, I do not know what to expect. The last time I called, I was assured that I would start in January, so they do not have a preceptor yet. I am also worried about choosing the right project and creating the right PICOT.Yes. The site is willing to take me, and I have received the approval of the medical director. From my interview with the medical Dr, The facility has multiple psychiatry, but only one DNP graduate works in that facility.ReferencesBuckwalter, K. C., Cullen, L., Hanrahan, K., Kleiber, C., McCarthy, A. M., Rakel, B., Steelman, V., Tripp-Reimer, T., & Tucker, S. (2017). Iowa model of evidence-based practice: Revisions and validation. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 14(3), 175–182. (Links to an external site.)Lloyd, S. T., D’Errico, E., & Bristol, S. T. (2016). Use of the Iowa model of research in practice as a curriculum framework for doctor of nursing practice (DNP) project completion – PubMed. Nursing Education Perspectives, 37(1).Reply