
Essay 500-800 words

Global Warming can be diminished in our lifetimes by _______________, __________, and ____________.

H12.101. – ESSAY OUTLINE:  Essay is 500-800 words in TOTAL length

I. Introduction (5-7 sentences) 

a. Background information: Who? Where? Why? When?

b. The 3-part thesis statement is the last sentence of the Introduction.

II. Body Paragraph #1 (5-7 sentences) 

a. Topic Sentence [First reason 1 in your thesis statement.]

b. Supporting details (direct quote, description, explanation, opposing viewpoint, etc.)

III. Body Paragraph #2 (5-7 sentences) 

a. Topic Sentence [Second reason 2 in your thesis statement.]

b. Supporting details (direct quote, description, explanation, opposing viewpoint, etc.)

IV. Body Paragraph #3 (5-7 sentences)

a.Topic Sentence [Third reason 3 in your thesis statement.]

b. Supporting details (direct quote, description, explanation, opposing viewpoint, etc.)

V. Conclusion (5-7 sentences) 

a. Restate thesis (rephrase main idea in a different way; using different words).

b. Summarize the body paragraphs.

c. Lead the reader out of the essay.

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