Emotional Intelligence

   400 word essay

textbook Essentials of Psychology (NEvid.2018) Chapter 7 & 8

Topic: Emotional Intelligence

This module/week, you are going to test the “Facial Feedback Hypothesis.” First, have 5 friends/colleagues/family members hold a pencil in their mouths showing their teeth for 30 seconds. Then, ask them to rate how happy they feel on a scale of 1–7 (1 = very unhappy, 7 = very happy). Second, have another 5 friends/colleagues/family members hold a pencil in their mouths without showing their teeth (i.e., lips together) for 30 seconds. Then, ask them to rate how happy they feel on a scale of 1–7 (1 = very unhappy, 7 = very happy).

· Summarize the facial feedback hypothesis, citing the course textbook.

· What were the findings of your mini-experiment? For example, the average rating was # for Group 1 (teeth showing) versus # for Group 2 (no teeth).

· Were your findings consistent with the Facial Feedback Hypothesis? Why or why not?

· Why do you think God created us to experience emotions?

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