Managerial communication

The purpose and objectives of managerial communication are carefully considered in this week’s study. Complete the lecture and required reading in Module 2. Then, with additional research, we can exchange and share our knowledge, experiences and insights.

Watch the following video:

Title: Organizational Communication

Subject(s): Corporate Communication, Organizational Communication

Keywords: branding; communication processes; critical studies; management education; organizational communication; organizational goals; organizational identity; organizational relations; organizations; power and authority; quantitative versus qualitative methods; social media; theoretical perspectives; working environment; workplace relationships

Duration: 00:37:37

Discipline: Media, Communication & Cultural Studies

Content Type: Interview

Publication Info

Publisher: SAGE Publications Ltd.

Publication Year: 2015

Publication Place: London, United Kingdom

SAGE Original Production Type: SAGE Experts

ISBN: 9781473932982

DOI: (Links to an external site.)

Begin this week’s original post development by using the Library to identify a scholarly article on any aspect of Organizational Communication discussed by Deetz. The chosen article should be:

  • peer-reviewed
  • published      within the last five years
  • associated      with any managerial communication (MC) function and theory

See Module 2 Lecture Page I and Bell and Martin (2012) [required reading] for examples to guide your research.

Use the following guidelines to develop the original post:

  • Introduce      your chosen scholarly article by providing a synopsis including the      purpose of the study, the method of study, and the results.
  • Then,      discuss the article by answering the following questions:
  • What      is the function and what is the theory base?
  • What      is the connection between the MC function and one of the general      management areas of planning, organizing, directing-leading, and      control-evaluation functions?
  • How is      the MC function relevant in your current work organization?


Bell, L.R. & Martin, J.S. (2012). The relevance of scientific management and equity theory in everyday managerial communication situations. Journal of Management Policy and Practice, 13(3) 106-114.

Chapters 5, 6, & 7 in Intercultural Business Communication

Bell, L. R., & Martin, J. S. (2012). The relevance of scientific management and equity theory in everyday managerial communication situations. Journal of Management Policy and Practice, 13(3) 106-114.

Griffith, T., Nordbäck, L., Sawyer, E., & Rice, J. (2018). Field study of complements to supervisory leadership in more and less flexible work settings. Journal of Organization Design,7(1), 1-26.

Azaizah, Reychav, Raban, Simon, & Mchaney. (2018). Impact of ESN implementation on communication and knowledge-sharing in a multi-national organization. International Journal of Information Management, 43, 284-294.

Duthler, & Dhanesh. (2018). The role of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and internal CSR communication in predicting employee engagement: Perspectives from the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Public Relations Review, 44(4), 453-462.

Gartner Finds that Only 31% of HR Leaders Believe Their Organizations Have the Culture Necessary to Drive Performance. (2018). Professional Services Close-Up, Professional Services Close-Up, Sept 25, 2018.

Wang, Sun, Shen, & Zhang. (2018). A value-justice model of knowledge integration in wikis: The moderating role of knowledge equivocality. International Journal of Information Management,43, 64-75.

Ahmed, Z., Shields, F., White, R., & Wilbert, J. (2010). Managerial communication: The link between frontline leadership and organizational performance. Journal of Organizational Culture, Communications & Conflict, 14(1), 107-120.

Communication ROI study report: Capitalizing on effective communication (2009/2010). Towers and Watson. Watson Wyatt Worldwide Publisher. Retrieved from

Drucker, P. F. (2011). Management. An abridged and revised version of management: Tasks, responsibilities, and practices. New York, NY: Routledge.

Nautin, T. (2014). The aligned organization. From the Lean Management Enterprise. McKinsey & Company.

Nothhaft, H. (2010). Communication management as a second-order management function. Journal of Communication Management, 14(2), 127-140. doi:

Robbins, S. P., & Coulter, M. (2016). Management (13th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.

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