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case study I

L.L. is a 67-year-old male who has been diagnosed with BPH. He is having difficulty with urination. He is currently on Cozaar 100 mg for HTN and his BP is well controlled. He is taking no other medications. The doctor has recommended medication for his BPH, but he would like to try a herbal supplement before taking a prescription medication.1. Would you recommend a herbal supplement in L.L’s case?2. If so, what herbal supplement would he take?3. What is the recommended dosage?4. What are possible side effects of the herbal supplement?5. What warnings should you give L.L. before he starts the herbal supplement.-APA STYLE 6TH edition-NO PLAGIARISM-1 PAGE OF INTRODUCTION-3 PAGES OF CONTENT-1 PAGE WITH THE REFERENCES ( AT LEAST 3 REFERENCES NO MORE THAN 5 YEARS OLD)

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