Week 5 final paper

Scaffold your paper around the following outline:

  • Title page (see Introduction to APA (Links to an external site.))
  • Introduction (half page) (see Introductions & Conclusions (Links to an external site.))
    • Describe the paper’s overall thesis.
    • Provide an overview of main points.
  • First Main Point (one to one and a half pages) describes the historical and Constitutional basis of American government’s structure and how this relates to the policy.
    • Describe the main point.
    • Support the main point with research.
  • Second Main Point (one to one and a half pages) explains how the policy is involved within the process of checks and balances.
    • Describe the main point.
    • Support the main point with research.
  • Third Main Point (one to one and a half pages) describes how the policy relates to public policy and elections and how the policy is portrayed by the media.
    • Describe the main point.
    • Support the main point with research.
  • Fourth Main Point (one to one and a half pages) explains how the policy impacts voting and the election process.
    • Describe the main point.
    • Support the main point with research.
  • Conclusion (see Introductions & Conclusions (Links to an external site.))
    • Review your main points.
    • Review your overall thesis.
  • References page (see Formatting Your References List (Links to an external site.))

The Final Paper Assignment

  • Must be at least six double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA Style (Links to an external site.) as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.).
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
  • Must use at least eight scholarly sources in addition to the course text. A minimum of five of the resources must be from peer-reviewed scholarly sources from the Ashford University Library.
  • Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  • Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.


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Money Supply Effects on Interest Rates

Respond to the following in a minimum of 275 words:

Explain what happens to the interest rate if the money supply increases or decreases and the money demand remains unchanged. Explain what happens to the interest rate if the money demand increases or decreases and the money supply remains unchanged.

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Midterm Essay–Homeland Security

This assignment consists of a single activity requiring you to produce a five (5) page report (not including title page and reference list), to test knowledge and assimilation of the course objectives. Pages are to be double-spaced utilizing Times New Roman 12 point font text, and have one inch margins. Students will follow the APA citation and reference style used for this assignment. Additional information concerning this writing style can be found within and attached to your Week 1 announcement.


Thus far, we have focused upon the private sector’s role related to our nation’s critical infrastructure, as well as the necessity of ensuring the goods and services they offer are provided in an uninterrupted manner. The combination of these two issues will serve as the primary focus of this written assignment.

First, select one of the following critical infrastructure sectors (links take you to their sector specific plans) that you have an interest in. Chemical, Commercial Facilities, Communications, Critical Manufacturing, Dams, Energy, Financials Services, Food and Agriculture, Healthcare and Public Health, Information Technology, Transportation Systems, Water Systems.

Focusing upon your chosen sector, offer information related to the most prevalent threats it currently faces, as well as insight concerning how a private sector organization within this sector would enhance its ability to provide its essential services when facing such risks.You can find the primary components of such a plan in the document Continuity Guidance Circular 1 (CGC 1) Continuity Guidance for Non-Federal Entities. Essentially, you will be providing details regarding how a private sector entity (such as a locally owned fuel provider within the Energy Sector) carries out its continuity planning initiatives.

A minimum of five (5) academically acceptable sources are to be utilized; two of which must be the applicable Sector Specific Plan and CGC 1. However, understand that such information is to supplement your work, not replace or serve as the major part of it.

Use the following file name example when uploading your Word document as an attachment: YourlastnameMidterm.docx

Supporting Materials

Written Assignment Rubric 300-400 Level.docx (18 KB)

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MLA Documentation Practice Worksheet

Using the information below, write correct parenthetical citations/documentations for each example in the parenthesis provided.

Example of a works cited page:

Donaldson, Sam. Bantering on Watergate. New York: Penguin Books, 1985.

Jennings, Peter. Pushing the Limits of Political Journalism. Washington: Greater Politics Press, 1994.

Smith, Charles. I Love Politics: A Guide to Discerning Reality. Chicago: Penn Press, 2001.

Xavier, Jason and Thomas Yater. Political Guide to the United States. New York: Ballantine, 2004.

Xavier, Jason. Somewhere in the Political Realm. New York: Ballantine, 2002.


1.) “He spoke to us in German and then left us behind” (               ).

–from Donaldson’s Bantering on Watergate, page 45

2.) “I never thought of myself as proud”, says Jennings in his book Pushing the Limits of Political Journalism (                      ).

–This source was located on page 107.

3.) “Politics is such an interesting field” (                                 ).

–From Charles Smith’s book, page 451.

4.) “Enraged is how he felt after the episode” (                             ).

–From Jason Xavier’s book Somewhere in the Political Realm, page 233.

5.) In Political Guide to the United States, Xavier and Yaterexplore the idea that the U.S. is changing politically (                                        ).

–From page 544 of this book.

Practice in-text citations

1. Embed a portion of the following quotation in a sentence using the appropriate citation.  Make up a page number for this exercise.

“Students can expect to find a wider variety of options available to them at college than they had in high school.  They really have no idea what opportunities exist in the big wide world.  The possibilities are endless.”

Smith, Snuffy.  How to Go to College.  Cleveland: Jones, 2005.



2. Embed a portion of the following quote by introducing the author first and giving appropriate citation at the end of the quote.  (Note: for the purposes of this worksheet, you may assume where the quotation came from within the page range given for each example.)

“Students who select colleges because of the potential for partying are often sadly disappointed when it comes time for them to actually begin a career.  Most workplaces don’t have that many parties”

Yokum, Abner.  “Party Animals on Campus.”  Deep Thinker.   12 Mar. 2007: 33-35.



3. Embed two or more sections of this quote in a passage you might write and give appropriate citation by using the ellipsis (…) to indicate the quotation has been abbreviated.

“Life, like any paper topic, neatly divides itself into three major categories—pre-college, college and post-college—each of which is determined primarily by the peculiar fears that dominate that stage.  Of course, those unfortunates who never go to college are condemned to live out their impoverished lives experiencing only the pre-college and post-college stages.”

Crist, Steven G. and George Meyer, eds.  “College and Fear.”  The Harvard Lampoon Big Book of College Life. Garden City, New York: Dolphin, 1978.  62-63.



4. Embed a quotation from a work by two authors, citing it only at the end of the quote.

“If you are considering a career in law, English is actually one of the best majors to consider as an undergraduate.  The skills you learn in logic and analysis transfer well to disputation.”

Collins, Tara and Kelly Almond.  How to be a Lawyer.  Moab: Slickrock, 2006.  19.



5. Embed elements of the same quote using the author’ names to introduce the quote.



6. Use portions of this quote and include the author and title to introduce the quote.

“Naturalists often run afoul of wildlife while in the field.  I myself had my leg chewed off by a puma after falling asleep at lunch one day.  Thinking back, I wish I hadn’t had such a large lunch that day.”

Khlulus, I. M. “Fun with Wildlife.”  Wilderness Ranger June 2004: 17-21.



7. Paraphrase from the quote below and use an appropriate citation in a sentence of your own construction.  (Paraphrase means to put the ideas of another person into your own words.)

“My most successful piece sold for $10,000.  I showed it to this guy I was dating, and he was blown away that it had sold for so much because, to him, it looked like a scene of mud.  I began showing in galleries while still in school.”

Benthin, Stefanie.  “Successful Artists: You Can Be One Too.”  Abstract Art Magazine Oct. 1991: 21+.



8. Embed a quotation from an interview that has no page number.

“I suggest that you study hard in college, but get a job too.  Jobs teach much more than school ever does.”

Workman, Tom.  Personal interview. 25 Feb. 2007.



9. Paraphrase from this quote from a presentation.

“The highest-rated colleges this year are those specializing in technical fields.  If you have skills in any area of technology, you can write your own ticket and work anywhere in the world.”

Albers, Joe.  Presentation.  Multiple Intelligences and Career Paths.  Durango, 25 Feb. 2000.



10. Paraphrase this quote from a video.

“I had a dual-major in communications and technology.  When I was ready to graduate, I posted my resume on-line and got called for an interview the very next day.”

One Day. DeVry. 1999-2000.



11. Cite an online subscription for which you paraphrase a portion the following quote.

“There will always be a demand for teachers.  Whether there will also always be a demand for public schools is an issue that will resolve itself within this generation.”

Sabu, Larry.  “We Should Have Let Them Pray.”  TeachingMay 2003: 3+.  MAS Ultra School Edition.

EbscoHost, Durango High School Media Center.  11 Mar. 2004 <www.epnet/3927_2/dustbunny/vacuum>.



12. Cite a website from which you paraphrase a portion of the following quotation:

“Whatever you do for work in life, the most important thing to remember is not how much money you make or how big a title you have, it is whether you look forward to getting up in the morning and doing it again.  Money can buy things; things can be replaced.  Titles can be bought, which makes them simply things.”

Guthrie, Woody.  “Way Over Yonder in a Minor Key.”  The Unofficial Woody Guthrie Homepage.  14 June

2006.  The Wooden Box Society.  11 Mar. 2007 <www.woodenbox.org/unoff/index.htm>.




use this link to complete worksheets (Week 3 Assignment 2) attach file

Assignment #2

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_EAxomGhNYhttps://theoatmeal.com/comics/believeview the video and review the link before responding to the following questions 200words

What is difficult about researching?

How can you tell if a source is reliable?

What is the main advice you would give to another student on conducting research?

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Company: Cleveland Clinic

Provide Turnitin report

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

Include an introduction and conclusion.

A. Entrepreneurial Opportunities: Develop a list of entrepreneurial opportunities outside the confines of the Cleveland Clinic. Each opportunity in your list should have a supporting rationale based on your market domain evaluation and PEST analysis.

B. Entrepreneurial Assessment: Select one entrepreneurial opportunity from your list to assess. How viable is the opportunity? Your response should be supported with evidence from your market domain evaluation and PEST analysis.

C. Trends: Evaluate key trends affecting the global business environment of the Cleveland Clinic. These could be geographic, political, or societal trends, or they could be trends specific to your market domain.

D. Impact on Opportunities: Determine how these trends will impact the development of your selected intrapreneurial and entrepreneurial opportunities.

E. Impact on Sustainability: Determine how these trends will affect the sustainability of the Cleveland Clinic. Which trends could be used to improve sustainable business operations?

Guidelines for Submission: paper must be submitted as an 8-page APA-style Word document with double spacing, not counting the cover page and reference page. It must be in 12-point Times New Roman font, with one-inch margins and at least three authoritative sources cited in APA format.

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Supply Chain

I need help with a paper for class. This 1500 word paper should be in APA format. For example you should have a title page and reference page. you should also include an Abstract page, Introduction, Literature Review, Conclusion and any other section appropriate to your paper such as Methodology and Results.

The paper is based on the topics covered in the first 4 weeks of class. You may pick a topic already covered in class such as regulation/deregulation of the industry, or a mode of transportation and its impact on the supply chain, even a mode of transportation and it advantages and disadvantages. The approach of the paper should be from a business logistics/supply chain using a managerial perspective. Based on material already covered in class, identify the topic/issue, provide a resolution/approach, examine the literature, give examples, and provide a conclusion. Please provide appropriate sources to back-up your work. Peer-reviewed articles from the library, Government websites, and GAO reports should be used when looking for sources.

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You are admitting a 19-year old female college student to the hospital for fevers. Using the patient information provided, choose a culture unfamiliar to you and describe what would be important to remember while you interview this patient. Discuss the health care support systems available in your community for someone of this culture. If no support systems are available in your community, identify a national resource.

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Information system

Ph.D. in information technology

each question 125 words

  1. Tell us about yourself and your personal journey that has to lead you to the University of the Cumberlands.
  2. What are your research interests in the area of information technology? How did you become interested in this area of research?
  3. What is your current job/career and how will this program impact your career growth?
  4. What unique qualities do you think you have that will help you in being successful in this program?
  5. How can obtaining a doctorate impact your contribution to the practices of information technology? Where do you see yourself after obtaining a doctorate from UC?
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week 2 discussion

  1. Use the Keiser Online Library to find a peer-reviewed research article from a psychology journal (i.e., the journal should have the word “psychology” in the journal’s name; e.g., Journal of Applied Psychology).
  2. Read the article and identify the journal type and sections listed in the discussion description.  It is recommended students find an “original research” article to help identify most terminology and sections previously listed.
  3. Post a discussion with the following information (for this week, a list is fine versus paragraphs):
    • Article name
    • Author’s last name(s)
    • Year of publication
    • Journal title
    • Journal Article type and explanation why is was this type based on the handout
    • List the primary sections of the article, explain the reason for each, and summarize the content.  Here is an example:
      • Discussion: the discussion section evaluated the key findings in the previous Analysis section.  The reason for this section was to provide an explanation for the results of the statistical analysis, and describe whether the authors’ hypotheses were supported.  The discussion section revealed the significant negative relationship between spirituality and stress among terminal patients could be the result of the comfort one feels in a higher power and faith all will be fine, which in turn diminishes stress related to imminent death.
    • Attach the article to your discussion post
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Case studies

Case Study 1 includes a transcript of a session with Simone. After reading the transcript, evaluate Simone’s behavior using Psychoanalytic Theory.

Case Study 3 includes a transcript of a session with David. Briefly conceptualize David’s symptoms from a Client-Centered perspective.

Case Study 6 includes a transcript of a suicidal and depressed patient. Briefly conceptualize this case from a Cognitive Therapy perspective.

Compare and contrast the main techniques of rational emotive therapy, behavior therapy and cognitive therapy.

Compare and contrast the view of psychopathology described in Freud’s theory with the view described in Rogers’ client-centered theory.




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