Health Promotion and Wellness Assessment

Open the assignment Health Promotion and Wellness Assessment for details.

  • The major assignment for this course is an interview of a Family and an assessment of Family characteristics which is due in Module 5/Week 5.
  • Module 2-1 assignment information will be summarized and included in your Assignment Module 5-1 Family Health Assessment. Please use your interview family for this assignment.
  • Identify areas needing intervention by using the using the modified Love to Live Well Assessment below to highlight suggestions you may make for your interview family
  • Use your interview family and identify areas for making health and wellness promotion.
  • Describe these recommendations for health promotion in detail.
  • Complete and submit your assignment by 2359 Saturday of Module 2.
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Chapters Review Assignment #2

Review chapters 10-11 and address the below review questions:

  1. What is an agency relationship? What is managerial opportunism? What assumptions do owners of corporations make about managers as agents?
  2. What is the nature of corporate governance in Germany, Japan, and China?
  3. How can corporate governance foster ethical decisions and behaviors on the part of managers as agents?
  4. What are the characteristics of the different functional structures used to implement the cost leadership, differentiation, integrated cost leadership/differentiation, and focused business-level strategies?
  5. What is a strategic network? What is a strategic center firm? How is a strategic center used in business-level, corporate-level, and international cooperative strategies?

Chapters Review Assignment Writing Guide:

The purpose of the Chapters Review Assignments is to evaluate what you have learned in the textbook chapters and research. You are required to show in-depth understanding of strategic management, policy, and the industry. The assignments, require indepth knowledge through research, hence the need for more references and citations.

The Chapter Review Assignment must follow the following guidelines:

  1. You must give quality answers that show mastery of the concepts being discussed, using clear logic, and supporting facts. Also, the answers must directly address the questions using chapter readings and research.
  2. Chapter Review test the understanding of key concepts and elements of strategic management, policy, and the industry, therefore, they must be thoroughly addressed.
  3. You must use citations with references to document information obtained from sources. The key elements of strategic management, policy, and the industry are found in the sources listed in the syllabus (it is your duty to search for them, read, analyze, evaluate, summarize, paraphrase in your answers, and cite the authors who wrote the articles, books, term papers, memoirs, studies, etc. What it means is that you will have not less than 5 references from the listed sources.
  4. Grammatically correct paper, no typos, and must have obviously been proof read for logic.
  5. Questions must be typed out as headings, with follow up answers in paragraph format, and a summary or conclusion at the end of the paper.

The Assignment must be in APA format and is due no later than the specified time (Sunday 11:59 pm).

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Construct an essay of 500 words that responds to the following:

In your phase reading assignments, you were presented with historical perspectives to help students reason about ethical principles as they occur in different cultural contexts and individual and organizational situations, to enrich their thinking with perspectives based on values, judgments, motivation, and socio-regulatory factors. Think about your professional life and the ethics and values that guide your (and your organization’s) behavior and decision-making processes. Discuss the following in your assignment:

  • What value is knowledge about the genesis and history of current-day business ethics?
  • In other  words, in the arena of ethics, does history matter?
  • Should it matter to organizations as much, and in the same way, as to individuals?
  • Why study the history of ethics and ethical thought?
  • What does this historical context have to do with the present?
  • How does knowledge of the past help people better understand and prepare for future  ethical decisions that will challenge them?

In evaluating your essay, your professor will look for evidence of the following:

  • That you grasp the overall concept of the assigned chapters in this Phase
  • That you are able to apply that knowledge in a thoughtful and meaningful way

That your arguments are coherent and defensible

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Qualitative Research OBSERVATION & WRITING FIELD NOTES Activity

The primary goal of the Learning and Cognition Handbook assignment is to integrate concepts from the discipline of learning and cognitive psychology into a usable and professional guide that is designed for a specific audience based on your career goals. The purpose of this handbook is to share helpful strategies and apply what you have learned from the course to six major topics in the field. You will incorporate your findings from required sources and the relevant sources you researched in the Week 2 Discipline-Based Literature Review, as well as those from the Week 3 Assignment: Choosing Your Focus.

To complete this assignment, you may utilize the Learning and Cognition Handbook template or create your own using the template as a guide. Your handbook should include the sections listed below, incorporating a minimum of one visual (e.g., table, figure, or image (Links to an external site.)) with a maximum of five visuals per section. Each image must be retrieved and cited based on current copyright laws. You may wish to use the Where to Get Free Images guide for assistance with accessing freely available public domain and/or Creative Commons licensed images.

Handbook Sections:

Table of Contents
List all sections and subsections included in the handbook with the applicable page numbers.

Preface (100 to 150 words)
Provide an overview of the handbook and its potential use by your chosen audience.

Introduction to the Major Topics (200 to 300 words)
Provide an introductory summary of the six topics listed below and discuss any careers in psychology specifically related to at least one of them:

· Traditional learning theories: Operant and classical conditioning

· Traditional learning theories: Behaviorism and social learning theory

· Attention and memory

· Decision-Making

· Language acquisition

· Organizational and lifelong learning

Describe how one or more of these areas may be connected to your future career goals.

Major Topics (1 to 2 pages for each major topic)
Communicate the extent to which the six major topics of learning and cognition affect related sub-topics by synthesizing the course learning principles and/or theories. Consider how these sub-topics may be related to your future career goals. For instance, if you intend to become an applied behavior analyst, behaviorism and related technique for learning may be directly connected to your future role. For each major topic, apply basic research methods and skeptical inquiry to explain the theoretical perspectives and empirical research that substantiate the relationship between the topic and at least two related sub-topics. In your review, consider how these topic and sub-topics are directly connected to evaluations and interventions in psychology practice in various fields. Focus on the areas most related to your future area of practice, paying particular attention to how theories are examined in research studies. The following are some sub-topics to consider:

· Comprehension

· Operant and classical conditioning

· Behaviorism

· Social learning theory

· Problem solving

· Memory development/retention

· Lifelong learning

· Individual and group learning

· Organizational learning

· Mentorship

· Apprenticeship models of learning

· Effects of demographic differences (e.g., gender, socioeconomics, religious affiliation, race) on learning

Although creative liberties are encouraged, all information incorporated should be supported and professionally presented through the consistent application of ethical principles and adherence to professional standards of learning and cognition psychology as applied to the chosen audience.

Conclusion (200 to 300 words)
Summarize the importance of the topics within the learning and cognition domain and their applicability within the psychology profession for the chosen audience.

Attention Students: The Masters of Arts in Psychology program is utilizing the Pathbrite portfolio tool as a repository for student scholarly work in the form of signature assignments completed within the program. After receiving feedback for this Learning and Cognition Handbook, please implement any changes recommended by the instructor, and go to to create an account if you do not already have one.) The upload of signature assignments will take place after completing each course. Be certain to upload revised signature assignments throughout the program as the portfolio and its contents will be used in other courses and may be used by individual students as a professional resource tool. See thewebsite for information and further instructions on using this portfolio tool.

The Learning and Cognition Handbook

· Must be 12 to 15 pages in length (see instructions and rubric for each section and sub-topic) following the as a guide. Although a handbook differs from a written paper, all citations and references must be formatted according to as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

· Must include a title page with the required information from the handbook template:

o Title of handbook

o Student’s name

o Institution’s name

o Course name and number

o Instructor’s name

o Date submitted

· Must use at least six scholarly sources in addition to the required resources.

o Thetable offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.

· Must include the sections and subsections required as indicated in the handbook template.

· Must address the topics with critical thought and substantiated assertions.

· Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in

· Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in

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Compare and contrast the current U.S health care system to another country’s health care model

This is academic paper so you should right it as Excellent work. Use academic sources only, 3 minimum. Please follow the professor instructions step by step.

Assignment Instructions:

Content Instructions:” The topic”

1- Compare and contrast the current U.S health care system to another country’s health care model (i.e., France, Denmark, Canada, England, Japan, Russia, China, etc.) citing the most striking similarities and/or differences, and reporting popular arguments in support of these differences.

2- Use statistics, census data, historical information, etc… to strengthen your case.

3-Approximate length: 7 pages.

4- Refer to the grading rubric below for specifics on grading criteria. ( I Attached it) )

Formatting and Submission Instructions:

* Compose your paper using Microsoft Word or a compatible word processing application, making use of spell check and grammar check.

* Use 11-point, Times New Roman or Calibri font style.

* Double-space the paper with 1-inch margins.

* Compose about 7 pages for this assignment.

* Number the pages (center bottom). Include a cover sheet with a Running Head that will include the title of your paper, your full name, course name and number (EXSC 440W), date, and USCA Honor Pledge* (see below).

* Format and citations must use APA 6th edition criteria.

* Consult the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th ed. American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC.

* Save this assignment as “yourname_paper3.doc.”

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: Drawing on your reading of chapter 2 and 3 of our textbook New Mexico: A History  and provide a  2 to 3-paragraph


Instructions: Drawing on your reading of chapter 2 and 3 of our textbook New Mexico: A History  and provide a  2 to 3-paragraph response to ONE of the two questions below. No outside sources just whats in chapter 2 and 3.

Find a copy chapter 2 under Week 2 readings on Blackboard

Include a footnote referring to particular pages or page in the textbook following this example: Zadie Smith, Swing Time (New York: Penguin Press, 2016), 315–16.


Questions:  Choose 1 of the following

  1. What was the role of Spanish Missions in the colonization of New Mexico? Discuss
  2. “Franciscan missionaries failed in their quest to convert Pueblo Indians to Catholicism” Do you agree or disagree with this statement, why or why not, explain.
  3. In what ways did the Pueblo rebellion of 1680 contested Spain’s authority in New Mexico?
  4. What was the purpose of the Spanish laws known as Reglamento of 1772? Why did these Reglamento targeted nomadic bands such as the Apaches, Utes, and Comanches?

The post : Drawing on your reading of chapter 2 and 3 of our textbook New Mexico: A History  and provide a  2 to 3-paragraph appeared first on top grade professors.


Source link

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“Investments in Global Markets”

  • Use the Internet and/or Strayer Library to research capital investments in global markets. Next, analyze the main factors that an organization should consider in determining the required rate of return for evaluating projects in global markets and the impact that this will have on decision making.
  • Imagine that you are the CFO of a U.S.-based international manufacturing company. Propose two (2) actions that you would take in order to defend the difference in the required rate of return for your company on similar projects in an established market, as compared to the same investment in an emerging market. Provide a rationale for your response.
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Project Deliverable 3: Database and Data Warehousing Design

Due Week 6 and worth 120 points This assignment consists of two (2) sections: a design document and a revised project plan. You must submit both sections as separate files for the completion of this assignment. Label each file name according to the section of the assignment it is written for. Additionally, you may create and / or assume all necessary assumptions needed for the completion of this assignment. One of the main functions of any business is to transform data into information. The use of relational databases and data warehousing has gained recognition as a standard for organizations. A quality database design makes the flow of data seamless. The database schema is the foundation of the relational database. The schema defines the tables, fields, relationships, views, indexes, and other elements. The schema should be created by envisioning the business, processes, and workflow of the company. Since your company is an innovative Internet-based company, movement toward data warehousing seems to be one of the most viable options to give your company a competitive advantage; however, these concepts must be explained to the executive board in a manner to garner support.   Section 1: Design Document Write a six to ten (6-10) page design document in which you:

  1. Support the need for the use of relational databases and data warehousing. From a management standpoint, it may be important to show the efficiencies that can be gained for executive oversight.
  2. Create a database schema that supports the company’s business and processes. Explain and support the database schema with relevant arguments that support the rationale for the structure. Note: The minimum requirement for the schema should entail the tables, fields, relationships, views, and indexes.
  3. Identify and create database tables with appropriate field-naming conventions. Then, identify primary keys and foreign keys, and explain how referential integrity will be achieved. Normalize the database tables to third normal form (3NF).
  4. Identify and create an Entity-Relationship (E-R) Diagram relating the tables of the database schema through the use of graphical tools in Microsoft Visio or an open source alternative such as Dia. Note: The graphically depicted solution is not included in the required page length but must be included in the design document appendix. Explain your rationale behind the design of the E-R Diagram.
  5. Identify and create a Data Flow Diagram (DFD) relating the tables of your database schema through the use of graphical tools in Microsoft Visio or an open source alternative such as Dia. Note: The graphically depicted solution is not included in the required page length but must be included in the design document appendix. Explain the rationale behind the design of your DFD.
  6. Illustrate the flow of data including both inputs and outputs for the use of a data warehouse. The diagram should map data between source systems, operational systems, data warehouses and specified data marts. Note: The graphically depicted solution is not included in the required page length.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
  • Include charts or diagrams created in MS Visio or Dia as an appendix of the design document. All references to these diagrams must be included in the body of the design document.
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Globalization Exercise # 2: Geography of Food

I need an essay about enchiladas(Mexican Food) 800 words essay, map, and table. I will post the rubric, instruction, and example. I also have some comments from the professor that should help a lot.

In this exercise you will compose an essay based on your favorite food (dish). The title of your essay will be: “The Geography of _________” (here you will include the name of your dish of choice).


Your essay must first describe the “claimed” area of origin of this dish. We refer to the “claimed area of origin” of your particular dish because there are many countries that claim to be the place where a dish originated. For example, in Latin America there are many countries that claim to be the country of origin of ceviche (a dish based on marinated raw fish or shellfish) or of arroz con pollo (chicken and rice). When you chose the dish you will be researching, the first thing you must do is to make a reference of the origin (country) where it is believed to originate. This is very important because there is a regional variation in terms of the ingredients that are used to make the dish in question. For example, in many countries that claim to be the place of origin of ceviche, tomatoes are a basic ingredient, while in other countries this is unthinkable (Many people would say, “This is not ceviche!”).


Then you will proceed to enumerate all the ingredients that are included in your recipe. It is required that the recipe that you chose have at-least 10 ingredients. For this portion you must include the basic elements that make up your recipe and not any process food. By this I mean that, for example, if the recipe you are using requires to use oil, you must clearly state the type of oil that you use (i.e., olive, corn, etc.), or sausages (are these made mainly of beef, pork, turkey, etc.?), or if you need to include tomato paste, just include the name tomato and add the word “paste” in parenthesis (i.e., “tomato (paste)”). Next, you will find the area where each of these elements were domesticated or, if it is harvested locally like a mineral (i.e., salt) or a native plant or animal species that is caught locally (i.e., seafood, etc.), these will be referred to as “native” or “indigenous” ingredients. Note that most plants and animals that are used in many recipes have been domesticated in faraway regions where these recipes were developed. For example, although arroz con pollo is a local favorite in many Latin American countries, chicken were domesticated in Southeast Asia and introduced to the Americas after the arrival of the Western conquerors.


To find the area of domestication of the most commonly used plant and animal species you can use the map provided at the end of this document and in the attached PowerPoint presentation (Map:


Centers of Plant and Animal Domestication). If some of the plant ingredients that are included in your recipe are not listed in this map, I would highly recommend you to use the following website develop by Purdue University: Here you can use their search engine to find the specific crops that you are looking for: (go to) CropSearch.





TABLE (25%): You will then proceed to create a table that includes the names of all the ingredients that make up the recipe of your dish of choice, and the region of domestication of this plant or animal, or country of origin. Note that the majority of the plants and animals used in many recipes are included in the Map: “Centers of Plant and Animal Domestication.” Remember, all ingredients that are original from the claimed country (or region) of origin should be referred as Native/Indigenous –you can also include the name of the region of domestication as well. Your Table should be included in the first section of your work. Please see sample table provided at the end of this document.


MAP (25%): You will plot this information in the attached blank world map using different labels to represent the different regions of origin of the ingredients of your favorite dish. Your map must also delineate the boundaries of each of the domestication regions of the world where your ingredients originated. You can find this information in the Map: “Centers of Plant and Animal Domestication.” Note that there can be several ingredients that have the same source of origin. For example, potatoes, guinea pigs, tomatoes, papaya, lima beans, pumpkin, strawberries, etc., have the same origin: Andean Uplands.


You should also include in your map flow-lines that connect the region of origin of the ingredients to the “claimed” area of origin of your dish. The width of these flow lines should be adjusted to represent the number of ingredients originating in the different centers of domestication. For example, if the contribution of the Meso-American region to your dish is three ingredients and the contribution of the Andean Upland region is only ingredient, then the flow line that connects Meso-America with the “claimed” country of origin of this dish should be 3-times wider than the one flowing from the Andean region.


Since using the flow lines to represent the Native/Indigenous ingredients is not an option, you should use a symbol (i.e., a circle, a triangle, etc.) that represents the number of these ingredients. This symbol must be placed inside the “claimed” country of origin of your favorite dish, and must be


included in your legend as well. Your map must also include a label for the country of origin of your dish. If necessary, include an arrow that originates in this label pointing to the specific location of the country of origin of your dish.


Every map must include the following information: title (i.e., “Map of _______”), and arrow and


an “N” (north) sign on top [of the arrow] pointing to the geographic north (place it on the upper right hand side of the map), a legend indicating the values of your flow lines that connect the source area of domestication with the “claimed” country of origin of your favorite dish, the icon used for the native ingredients, and any other information included in your map (see map sample included in the PPT: “The Geography of Ceviche”).


THE ESSAY – DATA ANALYSIS – (45%) AND BIBLIOGRAPY (5%): In this section you must de-construct and re-construct all the elements (ingredients) that are included in your dish highlighting the area of origin of the ingredients, and the claimed area of origin of the dish. This is an integral part of your work and must be as detailed as possible. Remember that this is a geography exercise and spatial distribution should be highlighted in your analysis. Your essay must also include comments of the number of ingredients that can be considered native (originated in the domestication region where the “claimed” country of origin if this is the case) and exotic (non-native/introduced species). In this section you will be evaluated in terms of the detail and thoroughness of the information you provide. This means that your analysis should be as descriptive and detailed as possible. For example, you can start by making a basic statistical analysis commenting the contribution of each region of domestication using percentages (see PPT sample).


This essay should be at-least 800 words in length. You must also demonstrate knowledge of the topic and include at least one additional reference (textbook or a popular news forum) included in the essay portion that relates to your favorite dish; this can include a reputable website that describes the recipe you are using. You must also include this reference in a separate page (Bibliography/Reference), making a full citation of this source.


Any geographically-based essay must answer three broad questions: Where? Why? (and how?), and, So what? (or, in other words, why is this important?) For example, where is the center of domestication of these plants and animals? Why (and how) were these ingredients introduced to the region where your recipe was developed? In answering to the “So what?” question you must use the information you have included in the first two sections (Where? and Why?); this is an overview of the principles elements of your recipe and must include a conclusion’s paragraph of your analysis.


Technical Aspects: Your paper must conform to the following formatting: 12-point font (Arial, Times New Roman, Garamond, or Book Antiqua), one-inch margins all around, double-spaced, and number

the pages. Please note that any exercise that does not follow this format will receive a 10-point discount in the final grade for this assignment.


Final Details (very important):


You must upload your essay, including your map, and bibliography in one word document to the link included in our course webpage. You can find the link to inside the Exercises section (Exercise # 2) in the Course Content. If you experience any difficulties to upload your work, you must send me your complete work using the course messaging system in a word document before the deadline. LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED BUT WILL RECEIVE A 10-POINT




Your answer must be your own, original thoughts. If you plagiarize your thoughts from a website, journal, or any other source, not only you will be sad because you cannot write the small number of words of your own, but because you will earn a failing grade in the course.




BLANK          MAP:


Centers of Plant and Animal Domestication























Source: Getis, A., Getis, J. and J. Fellmann. 2008. Introduction to geography. New York: McGraw Hill.


Sample Table


Sample Map












































Getis, A., Getis, J. and J. Fellmann. 2008. Introduction to geography. New York: McGraw

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Health in the Global Community

Women’s health

Read chapters 15 and 17 of the class textbook and review the attached PowerPoint presentations.  Once done, answer the following questions;

1.  Mention and discuss the World Health Organization’s concepts of “health for all” and primary health care.

2.  Describe the role of the community or public health nursing in international health.

3.  Identify and discuss the major indicators of women’s health.

4.  Mention and apply the nursing process to women’s health concerns across all levels of prevention.


As stated in the syllabus present your assignment in an APA format word document, Arial 12 font attached to the forum in the discussion tab of the blackboard titled “Week 9 discussion questions” and the SafeAssign exercise in the assignment tab of the blackboard.   If you don’t post your assignment in any of the required forums you will not get the points.  A minimum of 2 evidence-based references besides the class textbook no older than 5 years must be used and quoted.  You must post two replies to any of your peers sustained with the proper references no older than 5 years in two different days to verify attendance and as well make sure the references are properly quoted in your assignment.  A minimum of 800 words is required.  Please make sure to follow the instructions as given and use either spell-check or Grammarly before you post your assignment.  You must present the assignment according to how it is posted, answering the questions by number, essay-style assignments will not be accepted unless otherwise specified.  I’ve been grading a lot of assignments with quite a few spelling/grammar errors.  As a BSN student, you should be able to present an assignment according to APA and without errors.  T

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