Explore the relationship between emotion, empathy, and behavior

Your goal for this assignment is to explore the relationship between emotion, empathy, and behavior.

First, brainstorm a definition for empathy, specific to the construct as used in the field of psychology. You may use your textbook or a definition from any of the sources linked for this assignment

Second, use one of these podcasts to expand your comprehension of the construct. You will use this information to answer discussion questions.

Third, in class during Week 8 (Tuesday, Nov 12), we will review a scholarly article about empathy during class.
Empathy Halperin et al 2013.pdf


Fourth, write a two-page essay to address the following prompts:

  1. Define empathy as a construct in psychology. It may be useful to distinguish empathy from sympathy and compassion.
  2. Write at least one paragraph to describe what you learned from the podcast.
  3. Describe the goal (hypothesis) of the two studies conducted by Halperin and colleagues (2013), the methods used to test the hypothesis, the key findings and their implications.
  4. Your conclusion should synthesize the information across these sources to provide a “take-home” message describing what you learned about empathy during this assignment.


  • 2 pages, times new roman, 12 pt font, double space, 1 inch margins
  • Include APA formatted citations for your sources: textbook, podcast, scholarly article
    • This includes in-text citations plus a reference page.
  • Paragraph organization and transitions
  • Scientific writing
    • Clear and concise
    • Avoid personal (first-person) pronouns


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