NSG 3370The Role of the Nurse in Quality and Patient Safety DiscussionGuidelinesThe Role of the Nurse in Quality and Patient Safety Discussion should focus on the utilization of Evidence-Based Practice to improve quality and safety of patients. It should be supported by the 2020 National Patient Safety Goals and literature. The discussion should be objective, and not opinion based.Choose one clinical problem from the list below that could use improvement. Describe the clinical problem and provide support from the literature. Do not write about personal experiences of you or personnel (coworkers, supervisors, etc.) in your practice or of ongoing project in your facility.Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection (CAUTI)Central Line Associated Blood Steam Infection (CLABSI)Patient identification errors – medicationPatient identification errors – blood/blood productsMedication administration errorsFalls/injuriesBedside report issuesAllergiesVentilator Acquired Pneumonia (VAP)Surgical Site Infection (SSI)DVT prophylaxis injuryStaff communicationAlarm FatigueAlarm SafetyMedication reconciliationA literature search should be performed using the Troy Online Library. Locate at least 3 articles of studies published in peer-reviewed, scholarly journals and published within the last 5 years.DO NOT use unpublished Master’s theses or unpublished doctoral dissertations, as these sources are not published in a journal but available from a repository.The published journal articles should be studies related to the topic, which should be used as resources to support the clinical problem, the National Patient Safety Goal and the Process Improvement Tool. Use the journal articles to write and give support to the discussion. A chapter from text may also be used as anadditional resourceto support the information but IS NOT included in the review of the literature. However, the specific chapter author must be cited and referenced according to APA guidelines.Choose a specific 2020 Nation Patient Safety Goal that applies to the clinical problem. Identify the specific NPSG by number as given by the Joint Commission (see document below). Describe and relate how the specific NPSG applies to the clinical problem.Choose a Process Improvement Tool listed below that would be appropriate for implementation. Describe the tool, and how the tool could/should be implemented. You will find more information on each Tool in Chapter 22.flowchartsPareto chartcause and effect diagramsrun chartsFollow APA 7th Edition Guidelines for formatting.
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