After reading Chapter 13, and watching the video, answer the following questions: pages summary(Refer to Chapter 13): Identify at least one sampling issue that would be particularly relevant at each level of the public health pyramid. Which strategy could be used to minimize these problems?Spreading the Message: use any of the presentation methods above on the description of your program as conceptualized at this point. This should include information derived from assignments 1 and 2 that were completed and submitted in this course.The following should be included in your response (presentation method): Title, Target Objective Stated, Description of Target Community, Description of Program/Intervention Sample size, Proposed Program Description, Health risks associated with not doing desired behavior, incidence rates /prevalence rates/trends in these rates (national level) for associated health risks, conditions and diseases. Mortality and morbidity rates of associated health risks, conditions, and diseases, Proven Methods to minimize risk. *(Question 2: This information should be taken directly from your assignments #1 and 2 submissions. No new topic should be selected. Use the same information that you submitted in assignments 1 and 2 to fully address all parts of question#2) *.
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