Discussion 4

App development for mobile devices is both simular and different from development for desktop platforms. Navigation within an app has some of  these similarities and differences; different functionality is provided on different screens. App designers have to provide both the capacity to switch between those screens and make it easy and relatively obvious for users to do so when they want or need the functionality provided by those screens. So, yes – screen design is both similar to and different from traditional UI design. However, the objects available for design differ in both form and function. The amount of screen real estate is much more limited and the amount of real estate available changes among devices that can use your app. The skillset used in traditional development is useful, however, Android app development requires additional skills and knowledge of Android fundamentals.Discuss how “Navigation” is achieved in Android design (what are Activities, Layouts, and Intents) – chapter 4Discuss three ways in which a developer can make data persist in Android (chapter 5)Explain four components required for any “List” implementation in Android (chapter 6)Discuss how use of Maps and Locations can be helpful in building powerful mobile apps (chapter 7)Discuss how having access to hardware sensors makes powerful mobile app designs possible (chapter 8)

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