Identify a community health disparity within a specified population

Scholarly writing is a crucial feature of BSN-prepared nurses. This type of writing does come easy to everyone. Every week (minus the week the actual assignment is due), you will submit a portion of the scholarly writing assignment for instructor feedback. Each weekly draft is worth 20 points and allows you to receive constructive comments to improve your academic writing. Please refer to the Weekly Writing Draft Rubric for grading criteria and guidance during the assignment. These assignments should be in APA format and require a reference page with each submission.This week you need to submit the draft, including two strategies to address the disparity within the selected population and an increased list of references you will use for the Case Study writing assignment. You do not need to include aspects from the previous week’s assignment other than the references and any additions you make to the references.The Case Study Assignment includes:This assignment allows students to demonstrate comprehension and application of course outcomes. The student will develop a 5-page scholarly paper (excluding title and references pages) in APA format. The student must include course topics from the textbook, Differentiated Essential Competencies, Institute of Medicine 2010 report, and at least two other scholarly references from peer-reviewed articles. Failure to include any of these resources will result in a point deduction from the total score of the paper.Remember that these assignments are designed to help you build one piece of work and do not constitute self-plagiarism. According to the APA (2020), “Self-plagiarism is the act of presenting one’s own previously published work as original; it misleads readers and falsely inflates the number of publications on a topic. Like plagiarism, self-plagiarism is unethical-” (p. 21).American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association: The official guide to APA style (7th ed.). American Psychological Association.Please refer to the Case Study Writing Assignment Rubric for grading criteria.The student will:Identify a community health disparity within a specified populationDevelop two (2) strategies to address the disparityCreate a plan of action to improve outcomes within this communityRemember that these assignments are designed to help you build one piece of work and do not constitute self-plagiarism. According to the APA (2020), “Self-plagiarism is the act of presenting one’s own previously published work as original; it misleads readers and falsely inflates the number of publications on a topic. Like plagiarism, self-plagiarism is unethical-” (p. 21).American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association: The official guide to APA style (7th ed.). American Psychological Association

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