EHR interoperability – Practicum Project # 2
To Prepare:· Reflect on your practicum experiences as a “Nursing Informatics”.· Think about the evidence, concepts, and/or theories learned throughout this program and your specialization.· Analyze a problem, issue, or situation that you have observed during your practicum experience.· Using a minimum offour peer-reviewedsources of evidence, consider what you have observed within the context of your specialty using appropriate concepts, principles, and theories. Give special attention to observed events that vary from the scholarly literature.· Determine the degree to which the problem, situation, or issue was addressed in a manner that is consistent with the theory, concepts, and principles detailed in the evidence.· Given the various evidence-based approaches that can be used in handling the observed problem, situation, or issue, think about a plan for approaching the matter differently.Assignment Details:Please utilize the following objectives related to the practicum project in this assignment:Practicum Professional Development Objectives1: By June 24th, 2022, learn the Electronic Health Record (EHR) upgrade project implementation process and training requirements.2: Taking new responsibilities and performing tasks and activities for the HER upgrade project within the scope of a Nursing Informatics student by July 8th, 2022.3: Able to execute the leadership roles of correspondent, EHR system intellectual, and decision-maker within the organization by July 15th, 2022.Electronic Health Record (EHR) Project Objectives1. Show ways to reduce the barriers preventing medical professionals from securely exchanging patient data between EHR systems.2. Provide an understanding of the requirements for EHR interoperability and what it means for EHR adoption.3. To develop and deploy an interoperable e-health EMR system that serves as a secure, HIPAA-compliant repository for a patient’s electronically-stored health information.4. To understand the EHR’s purpose and determine the best ways to communicate EHR information to the end-user.=========================================================================******* Write a2 – pageassignment in which you do the following:1) Describe a problem, issue, or situation that you have observed during your practicum experience (no more than a half-page).2) Using no fewer than three peer-reviewed sources of evidence, analyze what you have observed within the context of your informatics specialty using appropriate concepts, principles, and theories. Give special attention to observed events that vary from scholarly literature.3) Explain the degree to which the problem, situation, or issue was handled in a manner that is consistent with the theory, concepts, and principles detailed in the evidence.4) Given the various evidence-based approaches that can be used in handling the problem, situation, or issue, formulate a plan for approaching the matter differently.===================================================================Possible References:Jasper, M., Rosser, M., & Mooney, G. P. (2013). Professional development, reflection, and decision-making in nursing and healthcare. John Wiley and Sons.· Chapter 6, “Moving from Clinical Supervision to Person-centered Development: A Paradigm Change” (pp. 168–203)Matthews, J. H. (2012). Role of professional organizations in advocating for the nursing profession. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 17(1). (n.d.). 6 ways professional healthcare associations advance your career., I. M. (2018). Make connections by joining a professional nursing organization. Nursing, 48(12), 35–38.Professional Organization LinksAmerican Medical Informatics Association. (n.d.-a) About AMIA. Nursing Informatics Association. (n.d.-a). ANIA. https://www.ania.orgHealthcare Information and Management Systems Society. (n.d.-b). HIMSS. https://www.himss.orgHealthcare Information and Management Systems Society. (n.d.-a). Certifications.
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