Nursing Concept Map Homework

Assignment: Concept Map(Assessment, critical thinking, patient safety) Formulate a concept map provided based on one of the scenarios provided. Be sure to include your references. This assignment is to stimulate critical thinking and foster student’s ability to prioritize in clinical situations.Students will choose between two cases and then complete a concept map based on the scenario. Students will need to prioritize their nursing diagnosis: Remember ABC’s and safety first. For example: Acute pain is not always the priority. The concept map template will be provided to students.Grading will be scored based on the provided rubric:Case 1: Mr. Jones is a 60 year-old-male with a history of hyperlipidemia, obesity, and aortic stenosis. He has a history of smoking 1 pack per day for 20 years. He states that he works from home and does not get around much. Mr. Jones presented with pain in the middle of his chest and radiates to his left shoulder. He states that is feels like pressure.On assessment you note the following:Client is alert and oriented, sweaty, pale, and SOB. Lungs are clear and bowel sounds present. Vital signs are as follows: T 36.9 C, HR 102, BP 162/84, RR 26, and O2 91% on RA. Client states pain is 8/10.

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