Module/Week 4 –PPOL 505 DB
Discussion Board Forum 2Topic: Research Paper Development and People ResearchYour Assigned Research QuestionDevelop your research question further by answering the following questions:Restate your research question.Write 2-3 introductory paragraphs explaining why your issue is important. Cite relevant academic literature to support your arguments.What is your one-sentence hypothesis?What is your one-sentence null hypothesis?”People” ResearchDiscuss specific challenges associated with qualitative “people” research.Practically, how can these challenges be worked around or avoided?What role does the Christian researcher have, specifically, in the ethical conduct of people researchTextbook ReadingsSalkind: chs. 7, 8Wheelan: chs. 4, 5, 5 ½, 6, 7, 8O’Sullivan et al.: chs. 6, 7Presentation: “People” ResearchVideo: Probability and Hypothesis TestingPlease view the following video in the Salkind Text “What Will You Learn in This Chapter”:Core Concepts in Stats Video — Probability and Hypothesis Testing (Chapter 7)Video: Normal DistributionsPlease view the following video in the Salkind Text “What Will You Learn in This Chapter”:Core Concepts in Stats Video — Normal Distributions (Chapter 8)
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