Social, Political & Environmental Issues in International Healthcare
As part of the formal assessment for the programme you are required to submit a Social, Political & Environmental Issues in International Healthcare assignment. Please refer to your Student Handbook for full details of the programme assessment scheme and general information on preparing and submitting assignments. Learning Outcomes: After completing the module, you should be able to: 1. Describe the historical and philosophical ideas and debates around concepts of health 2. Demonstrate an understanding of national health and health issues in their international, economic, environmental and political contexts 3. Assess the significance and influence of different dimensions of health in relation to individual and population health 4. Discuss problems and solutions in health issues in a global context Graduate Attribute Responsible Global Citizenship: Understand global issues and their place in a globalised economy, ethical decisionmaking and accountability. Adopt self-awareness, openness and sensitivity to diversity in cultureThis assignment help comprises of 2 works and a learning journal (LO 1- LO4 & GA) Your assignment should address the following questions: Task A: Outline the key risk factors for COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary disease) and the key features of COPD in terms of aetiology, diagnosis and disease management. Describe how concepts and definitions of health would link with the various stages in the progression of this chronic disease. (1000 words)Task B: Produce a 1500-word work to address the following points:You must structure your work to address the following 3 questions:i. Discuss the impact of international, economic environmental and political issues on the diagnosis; prevalence and management of COPD in one developed country. (500 words)(LO 2)ii. Discuss the aetiology and assess the prevalence of COPD in a developing country and one developed country. Report on the diagnosis and management of COPD. Compare the differences between the two countries you have discussed and the approaches they adopted. (500 words) (LO 3)iii. Discuss the strengths and limitations of Global strategies put forward by organisations such as WHO (World Health Organisation) in addressing the global burden of COPD. (500 words) (LO 4)Task C – Reflection: Write a reflective account on your learning, demonstrating an understanding of the graduate attribute of responsible global citizenship, considering issues such as health equity/inequality, healthcare accessibility and effectiveness of interventions. It is recommended that you use a reflective model such as Gibbs or Kolb to structure your thinking and demonstrate your progression and learning. (500 words)Anisakiasis, a disease caused by a number of Anisakis spp.A brief note of introduction from the CDC website: is a parasitic disease caused by anisakid nematodes (worms) that can invade the stomach wall or intestine of humans. The transmission of this disease occurs when infective larvae are ingested from fish or squid that humans eat raw or undercooked. In some cases, this infection is treated by removal of the larvae via endoscopy or surgery.Images: Left: A coiled anisakid worm (Pseudoterranova decipiens) in a fillet of cod. Center: A view of the anterior (head) end of Pseudoterranova decipiens, showing the presence of “lips”; taken under differential interference contrast (DIC) microscopy. Right: Pseudoterranova decipiens recovered from a human patientThe biblical basis for understanding culture presented in these devotionals is essential material that you will be expected to understand and on which you will be evaluated. So, the devotionals are key course content. Evaluation of this devotional is graded on a participation only basis. To receive points for the unit devotional, you must write one original post of approximately 150 words in response to your instructor’s prompt. Content of the posting is not graded. However, you need to understand the material presented in the devotionals as it will often be integrated into other writing assignments.Read “From Relativity to Vulnerability Download From Relativity to Vulnerability” article by Dr. Pat Mays.· “Relativism” is a word that evokes many reactions, especially depending on the adjective attached to it (ie. cultural, moral, ethical, historical, etc.) Do you agree with Dr. Mays’ critique of cultural relativism? How do your religious or spiritual beliefs shape how you engage with others regarding cultural differences?Submit a well-written, organized work that shows evidence of a keen understanding of the ideas in the text and use specific examples from the movie. The Description, Interpretation, and Evaluation (D-I-E) tool (3.4.2 of Lustig, Koester & Halualani) will be the basis for the work, supported by other concepts found in chapters 1-6 of the textbook.· While watching the Babies Documentary, write down notes about each of the four cultural contexts.· Categorize notes according to the Description, Interpretation, and Evaluation tool.Write a work that synthesizes: General observationso Use of the D-I-E toolo Overall reaction to the moviePLEASE NOTE: This movie contains some nudity in the form of breast-feeding. If you are not comfortable with viewing it, you can contact the instructor for an alternative movie assignment.Expectations: 3-4 pages, typed, 12 pt. font, double spaced; appropriate writing conventions and clear organization according to the D-I-E tool. See rubric for guidance.Big Task for Business Math and FABM 22nd Semester, A.Y. 2021-2022Assume that you are the acting manager of your family business as your parents want you to exercise what you learned from ABM, as well as, they think you do not need to hire a manager for your small family business. Your small family business is called Beautiful Life Enterprises wherein its trial balance was given in FABM 2 Performance Task 2. As the manager, you are tasked to prepare and analyze the financial statements. Specifically, your parents want you to let them understand the financial status, performance of your family business, and taxes analysis; thus you are required to prepare the following:a) Statement of Comprehensive Incomeb) Statement of Financial Positionc) Profitability ratios (at least 3)d) Tax analysisThe analysis and presentation of your family business data must apply theories, practices, and concepts in FABM 2 and Business Math, and based on researches and actual practices implemented by existing organizations or businesses. Also, you are required to use MS Excel for the preparation and presentation of your business data, and to be assessed using the rubric below (Standard).Note: Your small family business prepares the financial statements and evaluates them at the end of the year.Performance Task Rubric (30 points): FABM 2CRITERIAExemplaryExceeds StandardAdequately meets standardBelow StandardAccuracy of the financial statements, and profitability ratios.The accuracy of the financial statements, and profitability ratios was 91-100%.The accuracy of the financial statements, and profitability ratios was 85-90%.The accuracy of the financial statements, and profitability ratios was 81-84%.The accuracy of the financial statements, and profitability ratios was below 80%.10864Accuracy of the tax analysisThe accuracy of the tax computation, and analysis was 91-100%.The accuracy of the tax computation, and analysis was 85-90%.The accuracy of the tax computation, and analysis was 81-84%.The accuracy of the tax computation, and analysis was below 80%.10864Depth of Financial Analysis and InterpretationThe financial analysis and interpretation were very clear and easy to comprehend. The strengths of the financial performance as well as weaknesses that can be improved on were highlighted.The financial analysis and interpretation were clear and easy to comprehend; however, not all of the strengths of the financial performance as well as weaknesses that can be improved on were highlighted.The financial analysis is clear, but the interpretation was vague and lacked the understanding of what it means for the company and the users of the analyses.The financial analysis was vague, and the interpretation was inaccurate and irrelevant.10864Rubric for Business Math (30 points)CRITERIAExemplaryExceeds StandardAdequately meets standardBelow StandardAccuracy of the data presentation toolsThe data presentation tools used (tables and graphs) were 91-100% accurate.The data presentation tools used (tables and graphs) were 85-90% accurate.The data presentation tools used (tables and graphs) were 80-84% accurate.The data presentation tools used (tables and graphs) were below 80% accurate.10864Comprehensiveness of presentationThe presentation included the introduction of the company (small family business), the description of its financial position and performance (profitability). The status of the company was extremely discussed and explained. The manner of the presentation was clear and understandable.The presentation included the introduction of the company (small family business), the description of its financial position and performance (profitability). The status of the company was discussed and explained in understandable manner.The presentation included the introduction of the company (small family business), the description of its financial position and performance (profitability); however, they are not clear enough to be understood and appreciated by the audience.The presentation was not appropriate and did not have enough information on the company and its performance or how the financial position was made.10864MS Excel competencyThe computation, presentation, and interpretation of the data were 91-100% accurate.The computation, presentation, and interpretation of the data were 85-90% accurate.The computation, presentation, and interpretation of the data were 81-84% accurate.The computation, presentation, and interpretation of the data were below 80% accurate.5432MechanicsAll sentences are grammatically correct and all words are spelled correctly.Organization of the sentences allows the audience to understand the author’s intention unmistakably.Most of the sentences are grammatically correct and most of the words are spelled correctly.Organization of the sentences allows the audience to understand the author’s intention fair enough.Some of the sentences are grammatically incorrect and some of the words are misspelled.Organization of the sentences somewhat allows the audience to understand the author’s intention.Many sentences are grammatically incorrect and many words are misspelled.Organization of the sentences does not allow the audience to understand the author’s intention.5432The subjects of Questions:Data and Variables1Frequency Distribution and Relative Frequency Distribution Tables2Measures of Central Tendency3Introduction to Probability4Random Variables5Discrete Probability Distribution6Continuous Probability Distribution7Sampling Distributions8Statistical Estimation9Hypothesis Testing10ANOVA Analysis11Simple Linear Regression12Multiple Linear Regression13Chi-Square Test for Independence14Stochastic Modeling Applications in Finance15Cumulative Normal Distribution Function in Options Pricing Models16Black, Scholes and Merton Option Pricing Model17Research Concept Guide: Task Assignment InstructionsOverviewThe Doctor of Business Administration Research Concept Guide contains all the information in order for you to successfully complete all the tasks in this course. Full details are provided for each task within this guide. You should consult this guide to assist you in completing each assignment and your program. Each task builds on previous tasks and allows you to systematically complete your dissertation with timely feedback from your faculty member on each task.Instructions: the task you want to complete in the Doctor of Business Administration Research Concept Guide. Read the information concerning the task. Complete the task requirements. Submit your task to Canvas. After you submit, your faculty member will review the completed task and provide feedback. Review your faculty member’s feedback and make any necessary adjustments to your task. Resubmit your task in Canvas until your faculty member approves your task and you receive full credit on the assignment.Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.
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