Medical Coding

QUESTION 11.    When coding for an established patient for a particular level of service you must have a minimum of 2 of the 3 key elements whereas with a new patient you must have 3 of 3 key elements.[removed] True[removed] FalseQUESTION 21.    The 3 key components of Evaluation and Management coding are history, exam and medical decision making.[removed] True[removed] FalseQUESTION 31.    Emergency department evaluation and management codes are broken out into new and established patients.[removed] True[removed] FalseQUESTION 41.    Preventive Services codes are broken out by age but there is no distinction between new and established.[removed] True[removed] FalseQUESTION 51.    There are 4 “contributing components” of an Evaluation and Management codes are 1) counseling, 2) coordination of care, 3) nature of presenting problem, and 4) time.[removed] True[removed] FalseQUESTION 61.    Types of anesthesia used in surgical practice are 1) general, 2) local and 3) nerve blocks.[removed] True[removed] FalseQUESTION 71.    An add-on code is a procedure commonly carried out in addition to the primary procedure performed.[removed] True[removed] FalseQUESTION 81.    CPT modifiers are reported s two digit numeric codes added to the front of the 5 digit CPT code (e.g. 25-99213) .[removed] True[removed] FalseQUESTION 91.    “Disqualifying circumstances” are additional codes to anesthesia such as 99100, 99140, 99116 and 99135.[removed] True[removed] FalseQUESTION 101.    The CPT symbol “triangle” identifies a code description that has been revised.[removed] True[removed] FalseQUESTION 111.    Code the excision of a complicated pilonidal cyst.[removed]a.10080[removed]b.10081[removed]c.11772[removed]d.11770QUESTION 121.    Code electrolysis for 2 hours.[removed]a.17380[removed]b.17380 x 4[removed]c.17380 – 22[removed]d.17360 x 4QUESTION 131.    Code the reduction mammoplasty bilateral.[removed]a.19318[removed]b.19020[removed]c.19318-50[removed]d.19325-50QUESTION 141.    Code a diagnostic laryngotomy.[removed]a.31320[removed]b.31300[removed]c.31360[removed]d.31370QUESTION 151.    Code a planned tracheostomy on a 47 year old.[removed]a.31603[removed]b.31605[removed]c.31601[removed]d.31600QUESTION 161.    Select an anesthesia CPT code for a 35 year old man undergoing hernia repair of the lower abdomen.[removed]a.00832[removed]b.00830[removed]c.00800[removed]d.00834QUESTION 171.    Select an anesthesia CPT code for bilateral corneal transplant.[removed]a.00140-50[removed]b.00140[removed]c.00144-50[removed]d.65710-50QUESTION 181.    Select the anesthesia CPT code for a patient undergoing a vulvectomy.[removed]a.56625[removed]b.00906[removed]c.00902[removed]d.56620QUESTION 191.    Select the anesthesia CPT code for a patient undergoing a cleft lip repair.[removed]a.00102[removed]b.00100[removed]c.00172[removed]d.40700QUESTION 201.    Betsy is an established patient of Dr. Gus and sees the doctor today for acne of the face. Dr. Gus does a problem focused history and exam and the medical decision making is straightforward. Code the office visit.[removed]a.99214[removed]b.99202[removed]c.99213[removed]d.99212QUESTION 211.    Dee is an established patient of Dr. Wong and is 3 months post transplant. She goes to Dr. Wong today with edema, increased blood pressure and fatigue. The doctor does a comprehensive history and exam and due to the nature of her problems, the medical decision making is high complexity. Code the office visit.[removed]a.99215[removed]b.99205[removed]c.99245[removed]d.992141.    A patient is seen in the Emergency Department after falling off his scooter. The ER physician does an expanded problem focused history and exam. He takes an x-ray and determines that the boy only has a sprain so the medical decision making is of low complexity. Code the ER visit.[removed]a.99283[removed]b.99282[removed]c.99281[removed]d.99231QUESTION 231.    Michael goes to his family doctor that he’s been seeing for years for his yearly preventive physical. He’s 55 years of age. Code the preventive visit.[removed]a.99386[removed]b.99214[removed]c.99396[removed]d.99213QUESTION 241.    Due to injuries sustained in a car accident, Jane is seen by Dr. Ricker for 1hour and 15 minutes for critical care services. Code the critical care evaluation and management.[removed]a.99291, 99292[removed]b.99291[removed]c.99292[removed]d.99215QUESTION 251.    The CPT code for a total splenectomy is:[removed]a.38100[removed]b.38120[removed]c.38101[removed]d.38115

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