moral distress in healthcare

T.D. enjoys caring for the children and young people in the schools where she works, but sometimes she is faced with tough situations such as suspected child abuse and neglect, teen pregnancy, and alcohol and drug use among teenagers. She works hard to ensure that the children in her schools receive the best care possible.Several third graders reports having received no breakfast at home for more than a week. T.D. is exercising Advocacy for the students under her care. What type of actions she might be doing to exercise advocacy for the students?Moral distress is a frequent situation where health      care providers should face. Please define and discuss a personal      experience where you have faced Moral distress in your practice.Discuss how health promotion relates to morality.Discuss your insights about your own communication      strengths and weaknesses. Identify situations in which it may be difficult      for you to establish or terminate a therapeutic relationship.Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic

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