week 2 discussion

  1. Use the Keiser Online Library to find a peer-reviewed research article from a psychology journal (i.e., the journal should have the word “psychology” in the journal’s name; e.g., Journal of Applied Psychology).
  2. Read the article and identify the journal type and sections listed in the discussion description.  It is recommended students find an “original research” article to help identify most terminology and sections previously listed.
  3. Post a discussion with the following information (for this week, a list is fine versus paragraphs):
    • Article name
    • Author’s last name(s)
    • Year of publication
    • Journal title
    • Journal Article type and explanation why is was this type based on the handout
    • List the primary sections of the article, explain the reason for each, and summarize the content.  Here is an example:
      • Discussion: the discussion section evaluated the key findings in the previous Analysis section.  The reason for this section was to provide an explanation for the results of the statistical analysis, and describe whether the authors’ hypotheses were supported.  The discussion section revealed the significant negative relationship between spirituality and stress among terminal patients could be the result of the comfort one feels in a higher power and faith all will be fine, which in turn diminishes stress related to imminent death.
    • Attach the article to your discussion post
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