Literature Review Analysis

For this assignment, please identify three recent IT dissertations in your area.


  • Dissertations must be 2014 and new
  • Dissertations should contain a detailed literature review that is at least 10 pages.

Submission Guidelines:

Submit a word document for this assignment.  The word document should contain the following for each dissertation selected:

  • Introduction:  Provide a summary of your research topic (Effects of Artificial Intelligence (Public Key Encryption) on Privacy and Security in E-Commerce in the State of Mississippi). (100 words)
  • Overview Section:  Provide a detailed summary of the dissertation (200 words)
  • Reference Analysis:  Analyze the number of reference in the dissertation.  Determine specific journals or conferences that the reference are published from.
  • Conclusion:  Provide an overview of the three dissertations selected and why they relate to your dissertation topic.
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